A Fabio-lus Romance Extravaganza

May 3, 2010 | TV, Movies, & Good Reads, Adventures & Travel, Friends

What a fun day! The wonderful folks at the King County Library system have this annual event and it is so much fun—readers from all over and always some fun surprises. This year was no exception. They had us in the main foyer of the Covington Library which is right next to the children’s section and Cherry Adair was the opening speaker trying to tell her camel sex story and at the same time keep in G-rated for the kiddos right next to us. I’ve never seen anyone come up with clean synonyms faster than Cherry did. She had the entire room laughing!

Julia Quinn and I shared a historical panel with Margaret Mallory and as always, Julia and I were trading stories and not agreeing on any of the facts. I maintain that we met at a workshop at the Anaheim RWA conference and I was pregnant at the time. Julia swears I was on crutches. Truly, I wasn’t that pregnant. What was great fun were the questions from the audience about what we like to read, what a typical day is for a writer and questions about research. A big thank you to everyone who came out and made this event such a success.

Of course, the real star of the panel was my weekend companion, Crocheted Fabio. Yes, I have in my possession at the moment, Fabio! We spent Friday getting ready for our big outing, Fabio insisting on a manicure:

A blowout:

And then hogged my signing table:

Then made all the women in the audience beg for his attentions:

Truly, he’s sort of annoying with all his demands, and I can’t even tell you what he did to a Barbie in Alabama, but here is the picture:

I think this is why he made a rushed trip in a Priority Mail box to the West coast. This crocheted version of Fabio was made by a very talented, Nancy T., who also has a version of Mad Jack Sparrow that is hilarious and perfect in every detail. This Fabio is a knitter’s version of Flat Stanley and was only with me for the weekend and now is off to Forks, Washington to battle vampires.

I think they will find him a bit of stuffed shirt.




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