I know I’ve been a bit absent lately, and for that I apologize. Usually it is because I have a book due and I am overrun with a deadline. But this time it was family—my dear and beloved Aunt Susie passed away very suddenly.

Mom, Aunt Dar, Aunt Susie
This picture was taken last summer when all of us got together. The day was so much fun, telling family stories, laughing over past follies, sharing handcrafts, and having one of Aunt Dar’s fabulous luncheons.
Aunt Sue was such a special part of my life and it has broken my heart, as well as leaving her sisters (my mom and my other auntie) completely bereft to lose her so quickly. Some of you might remember that I’ve included my aunt in my blog before, posting pictures of her house when it was buried in snow. Beneath all that snow is the most glorious flower garden you could ever imagine. She lived for her flowers and I will always remember that house surrounded by all those beautiful and carefully tended flowers.
I also devoted Memoirs of a Scandalous Red Dress to her, writing in the dedication:
To my Aunt Susie,
You never stop amazing me with your resiliency and wry humor. Our family’s other storyteller, please continue to make us all laugh, for there isn’t a day when that isn’t needed.
All my love,
She was resilient to the end, waiting patiently for her big sisters to get over to Idaho so the three of them could be together one last time. And an hour after mom and Auntie Dar left, Susie passed away, on her own terms and in her own stubborn way, leaving behind a lifetime of memories and a zest for a tall tale that will never be forgotten.
Bless you, I miss you, Aunt Susie.
I am sorry for your lose, but think of the loved ones that will get to enjoy her company in heaven as she is looking down on you and your family. I am sure she is making them laugh even now with her stories that you love so much. May God bless you and your loved ones at this time. I lost my Dad last March, I have an understanding of it is like. Again God bless you all and I am sorry for your loss.
My deepest condolences to you and your family, Elizabeth. It is so very painful and deeply felt when we lose loved ones, and I know that there are really no words that someone can say to make it any easier. Just know I’m thinking about you and sending you my thoughts and prayers and a huge hug. Love ya! 🙂
Hi Liz
So sorry for your loss- I lost my dad, an aunt and my mother over 2 years and just hate getting to an age where people are passing on without me! I remember my grandparents and great aunt especially mourning that so many of their friends and loved ones were going and thought I’d live forever young I guess…
Just finished How I found my Countess today- needed to be flat for awhile so loved your entertaining me- thanx and I guess the only thing we can do is love the ones we have close to us for who knows what tomorrow brings eh?
Sorry for your loss. It is hard to have a loved one pass away especially if their death is a quick one. You will always have your memories of her and you can rejoice in those thoughts.
I wish you love and big hugs for you and your family. Take Care of yourself. 😀