Alaska Vistas

Aug 22, 2011 | Adventures & Travel

Of course you don’t go to Alaska just for the brothel tour, you actually go for the vistas and wildlife. And being a big state they have tons—though the only thing I saw of wildlife was a moose’s behind—and then it was from the train. But here is a better shot from the train:

And if you want to see amazing, there are the glaciers in Glacier Bay:

Or up on a glacier:

Then the view from a dog sled is amazing:

From the top of Juneau:

And all points in between:

Up close:

Truly a gorgeous place. I keep looking at the photos and can’t believe I got this opportunity. So beautiful and so much more to see, that I know I will have to go back.

Where have you gone that you couldn’t get enough of and HAVE to go back?


  1. Mia Marlowe

    Thanks for sharing your travels, Elizabeth!

    My DH and I took my folks on an Alaskan cruise in 2007. Going to Alaska had been my dad’s lifelong dream so it was very special to be there with him when he finally saw his first glacier, his first orca in the wild, his first train trip to the gold fields. Next May we’re gearing up to do Hawaii (my mom’s dream!) with my folks and our daughters. The memories you take when you travel with those you love are even more precious than pictures.

    • Elizabeth

      This trip had been my MILs dream for years and years, so she was just so happy to have us all together and along for the ride with her to share the adventure.

  2. DebbieQ

    Africa and India! We have been twice and I am itching to go back, especially Africa.

    • Elizabeth

      I have a friend who is moving to Zambia next month–she’s in the State Department–and she has invited me to come visit. So far away–but so fascinating.

  3. Karen H in NC

    Beautiful pictures. Now, if you really want adventure along with your beautiful scenery, you should try for a trip to Antartica. I’ve never been there but my daughter and her husband took a month-long cruise/tour of Terra del Fuego, the Falklands, South Georgia Island and Antartica in Nov-Dec 1995. They were there mainly so my SIL could photograph birds and other wildlife of the areas. By viewing his photographs, I can pretend I’m right there with them.

    • Elizabeth

      I love seeing other’s photos. Makes me both envious, happy and ready to pack my bags again.

  4. Adelaide

    In 2007 we went on the Alaskan Cruise and loved the state–not so much the cruise. We hope to go back on a full land tour and see more of amazing Alaska. Thanks for sharing, your pictures are gorgeous!

    • Elizabeth

      Sorry the cruise wasn’t fun. I went on a cruise once before and hated the entire experience, but I was pleasantly surprised at how much I LOVED it this time around. It was truly a lot of fun. Dont’ give up on cruising just yet.

  5. Linda McDonald

    Alaska is so beautiful. And I’m actually on vacation right now in a place where I will hopefully get back to someday….the Canadian Rockies. We are in Jasper right now…saw a mama bear and three cubs today. Beautiful place!

    • Elizabeth

      Love those as well! Used to go there as a kid.

  6. Nikki H

    We went to Alaska this summer and it is so beautiful! Your pictures are gorgeous, and yet, they don’t do it justice. I really, really really want to go back.

    • Elizabeth

      It is so hard to do justice to the majesty and just awe of it all!

  7. Melissa Porter

    I love living here. Thanks for sharing pictures. Thank you again for taking the time to meet me. If I could go on a vacation it would be Scotland or Ireland. I am a sucker for the Highlanders..Or maybe it is a man in a kilt…B-)
    I have thought of going to India. Those are my top 3 picks.

  8. Cynthia

    I have always wanted to go to Europe. It has been my dream for a long, long time and I think that once I go there, I will want to visit again and again.

    Here is a place I’d love to go see:

    I feel like packing my bags and heading out tomorrow!



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