This is a quick, Happy Labor Day, hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend of fabulous weather post. But if you are inside—what?—and on your computer (get yourself outside, summer isn’t going to be around much longer) but before you go do as I bid (right now I feel so powerful), why not hang around for just another minute and enter my new faboo contest.
Someone is going to win a Nook. Not just any Nook. A Nook color. Too cool. And it will arrive just before Christmas.
So hop over to my Contest page. Enter and then enjoy this wonderful three day weekend.
And for all of you who don’t have a three day weekend, I hope the weekend you did have was lovely.
Best, Elizabeth
Hope you had a great holiday weekend too! Btw, the contest ends on my birthday. That would be an awesome birthday present (hint, hint). LOL
Would abolutely love to win this. My husband is in the USMC and we move alot and told me just yesterday that he was gonna break his back trying to tote around all my totes of books…lol…Here’s to hoping!!! 🙂