I Blame the Snow Day

Jan 16, 2012 | Giveaways, Freebies, & Contests

So nothing got done around here. Because it snowed. Truly, life comes to a grinding halt in Seattle when it snows. And that is my excuse and I am sticking to it.

I did though get a bunch of stuff done over the weekend, including cleaning out my office closet, wherein for a while it appeared my office had exploded. But do know that everything found its way back to where it belongs and I know I need to do some fun prizes that include bookbags. I have a plethora of bookbags. LOL. And penchant for buying notepads from Levenger. Some women buy shoes. I buy office supplies.

And apparently cart home every bookbag from every conference I attend. Sometimes more than one.

But most importantly, I need to let one of you know you’ve won a fantastic prize. A $100 gift card to Amazon. And the winner is: Lauren McIntyre, who Tweets as @lady_lauren.

So, Lauren, please contact me with your email address and I’ll shoot you your prize.

Now, back to the regularly scheduled days. Of gray skies and Seattle rain. Please.


  1. SharonA

    Congrats to the winner! And stay safe in the snow, it’s going to be ugly before the week is out.

  2. Connie Fischer

    Lauren, Lucky Lady! Congratulations. I’m not a snow person which is why I live in southwest Florida. It’s pretty but I’m happy with just a postcard!

    • Elizabeth

      I like it here, as long as I don’t have to go anywhere. And I haven’t already been in the house for the family for three straight days. LOL

  3. Melissa Porter

    Congrats to the winner.
    It is freezing up here. We are at 4 F right now…I would rather have the snow that this freeze we are in…
    Stay safe.

  4. Mia Loveless

    You got it Lauren! Congratulations! You did it! 🙂 Just keep yourself warm in this snow season 🙂Mia Loveless

  5. Sierra

    It sad when you are happy to see -30 on the thermomitor, been -40 to -55 for all of last week, cold snap started last Thursday. But here life goes on, there is still school for the kids, but no recess that gets called at -20, and we have to go work still. So I would love the snow, but I think we got it a few week ago, got a good bit of snow, but life still goes on here.
    Can’t wait for the new book!

  6. Linda Mc

    I’ve seen photos of all the snow in Seattle. It looked very pretty. We are having some rain here today. Nice day to get things done around the house.



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