Five More Things About Stefanie Sloane

Apr 26, 2012 | Friends, TV, Movies, & Good Reads

So yes, Stephanie has dropped by here before, but some people bear repeating. ‘Sides, she’s awful nice. Plus, her 2011 book, Devil in Disguise has garnered a double nominations in the RWA RITA awards for Best First Book and Best Regency Historical Romance. I have to smile at this, because I got that double nod myself with my first book. It’s like we are twins who were separated at birth. LOL.

Plus, she sent me a picture of Thor to insert in the blog. Just saying . . .

1. Did you have a nickname growing up?
Mad Dog Stefano. Seriously. There was a boxer in the early 70s nicknamed Mad Dog. And then there was me. It was nearly impossible to tell us apart. Except that one was a big, beefy boxer and the other a small, mouthy toddler. Other than that? Total twins, right down to the hair-trigger temper and the nasty right hook.

2. If you could go on a date with any superhero, who would you choose and why? Oh, definitely Thor. He’s not just a superhero, he’s a god. And, well, he looks like this:


3. If you were not writing, what job would you have? Professional dancer featured on Dancing with the Stars. Not that I actually know how to ballroom dance. But I would love to learn! Only problem: cannot abide fake tans. But I’m sure we could figure something out.

4. Most embarrassing song on your iPod. I’m a firm believer in the idea that no music is embarrassing. I love everything from pop to alternative, country to classical, and all points in between. But if I lost my iPod and a stranger came across it, here are the songs that would have them laughing in five minutes flat:

  • ABBA, Dancing Queen
  • Beastie Boys, Sure Shot
  • Destiny’s Child, Bootylicious
  • Presidents of the United States, Love Everybody

5. If you were going to an island for a long time, name 5 things you would bring.

  • Sunscreen! (A certain someone would have never let me hear the end of it if this item were forgotten.)
  • A lifetime supply of guacamole. And chips This really only counts as one item since guacamole without chips is a sad, sad situation.
  • My iPod, loaded with every song ever recorded. By every artist. In every genre. Whew, I think that covers it.
  • My Kindle, loaded with every book ever written. By every author. In every genre. Huh. I feel like I’ve heard this somewhere before.
  • My family. They’re crazy, but I love them. Wait, how long am I stuck on this island? Hmmmm…

Besides being a double RITA nominee, which is huge bragging rights, Stefanie Sloane also has a new book out, The Saint Who Stole My Heart which is garnering all kinds of buzz. Read all about it on her website.


  1. Des

    Thank you for a lovely post ! I cannot wait to read this one !

  2. bn100

    Congratulations on the nominations! Very fun interview

  3. Lisa Hutson

    Hey Mad Dog, I just won your book and cannot wait to read it. Love your stories, love your covers (especially the red one! (-:), love this interview and love your nick name!

  4. Stefanie Sloane

    Awww, you guys are awesome. Des, I can’t wait for you to read this one too! In fact, send me your mailing addy ( and I’ll send it to you! That goes for you too, bn100! As for you Lisa, you already won the book, so for you? How about my backlist?

    Mad Dog

  5. Des

    Oh wow really ! That is so very nice of you,thank you so very,very,very much,email on it’s way.


  6. Beckey

    I was on Julia Quinn’s website the other day and saw her comment on the newbook, read this or die. So now I have to get the backlist and this new book, because another of my favorite authors is recommending Stefanie Sloane. 🙂



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