Hey folks, just a quick note to let you know that the ebook of Confessions of a Little Black Gown is on sale right now for $1.99.
Yes, you got that right, $1.99!
Can I say that this cover still makes my heart beat faster. I just LOVE this cover. And the heroine, Thalia Langley? I have a little secret about her. Or rather a Confession….
She got her name because I have a penchant for eavesdropping. Sort of like Thalia herself.
I have utterly no shame about listening into conversations taking place in public. I adore them. I get some really interesting tidbits from the next table over at the coffee shop.
The way I see it, if you sit down next to a writer you are fair game.
So there I was writing away, nearly minding my own business, when two young women sat down at the very next table and started gossiping about their friend, Tally.
Tally this, and Tally that. I felt horrible for Tally.
And then what happened? Tally arrives and they greeted her like she was royalty. All their mean, snakey gossip and then this fake love fest. Oh, Tally, how wonderful to see you.
I wanted to spill my latte on the two of them.
But the better revenge was to take this great name, Tally, and turn her into a heroine readers would love and cheer for.
And certainly not gossip over.
So that is the story behind Tally’s namesake. And you didn’t hear it from me. LOL.
According to the powers that be, Confessions of a Little Black Gown is on sale only until January 28th.
Good Morning Elizabeth, Loved your story behind the story. Now, I wonder what the odds are of the 2 gossipy girls being fans of your work and reading this post today? What say you? Will they recognize themselves or not?
Loved the CotLBD too…in fact the entire series was a love-fest for me!
I’ve always wondered what happened to all three of them! Wouldn’t that be funny if they saw themselves. Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by.