News & Newsworthy

Regency Romance

Five Things for Friday

Hello my dear friends! This has been a hard week. In the ways that just shake you. More on that later. Instead, let's first share some things to make your weekend a little more special, adventurous and sweet. One What to read? Why not try an oldy but a goody. The...

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April 1st

I always smile when I see this date. You see, April 1st has a different meaning for me—not the day of pranks and foolery, but the day I began my publishing career. Not the day I sold, but the day I turned in the manuscript of Brazen Angel for the Dell Diamond Debut...

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Confessions of A Little Sale

Hey folks, just a quick note to let you know that the ebook of Confessions of a Little Black Gown is on sale right now for $1.99. Yes, you got that right, $1.99! Can I say that this cover still makes my heart beat faster. I just LOVE this cover. And the heroine,...

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Romance Retellings

The theme for the #Romancestagram hashtag over on Instagram this month is "Romance Retellings." I have to say, this is one of my favorite themes so far, both as a reader and a writer. Every month as the themes are announced, I scan to see if I have any books or...

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Friday Reads: Up and Away

When I travel (which I will be this coming week) I inevitably take three books with me. One for the outbound flight. One for the return flight. And a backup book in case Book A or Book B is, well, a dud. I think sometimes I spend more time picking my three books than...

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Friday Reads: Romance & An ARC Giveaway

I was on vacation recently and took a stack of books with me. As one does. My husband always cringes and asks, "How much room do you need for the books?" My answer is always the same, "Enough for all of them." He's a patient man. First Things First Before we even got...

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