I always smile when I see this date. You see, April 1st has a different meaning for me—not the day of pranks and foolery, but the day I began my publishing career.

Not the day I sold, but the day I turned in the manuscript of Brazen Angel for the Dell Diamond Debut contest. To me, April 1st is the day it all began.

Brazen Angel

Now there is a HUGE story behind my first book, and you can find it here. Go read it, then come back. I’ll wait.

Brazen Heiress

And this year, I wanted to remember it all over again. The Brazen series has all new covers, AND they are back in print editions, something they haven’t been in a long time. So whatever your jam, ebook or print, try the series that launched my writing career.

Brazen Temptress




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