Friday Reads: Romance & An ARC Giveaway

Feb 2, 2018 | Elizabeth's Favorites, Giveaways, Freebies, & Contests, Good News, TV, Movies, & Good Reads

I was on vacation recently and took a stack of books with me. As one does.

My husband always cringes and asks, “How much room do you need for the books?”

My answer is always the same, “Enough for all of them.”

He’s a patient man.

First Things First

Before we even got to the airport, I’d broken out Valerie Bowman‘s The Right Kind of Rogue, and it turns to be a great book to while away a lot of airplane hours. In fact I was a little sad when we arrived early, and I had to stop reading.

I should have known the book was going to be great fun. I met Valerie several years ago at Romantic Times. We lucked out in the alphabet lottery that is giant booksignings and got to sit together. I thought her delightful! So when I started sifting around for vacation reads, her latest book was an obvious choice.

Let me state right up front, The Right Kind of Rogue is the 8th book in Valerie’s Playful Brides series, but don’t let that discourage you from reading this splendid regency.

Or better yet, let it inspire you to go on a great big binge and read the seven books preceding Rogue before you indulge in this fun and engaging romance. Here’s the entire list.

I’ll wait . . . Yes, done? Great! Let’s get back to Rogue.

Suffice it to say, Hart and Meg’s wonderful story of love from afar is just the right read for a chaise lounge and sunshine. Or a comfortable chair and a cup of hot tea. Or a too narrow middle airplane seat. Your choice.

Hot Off the Press

Now if you have a vacation coming up, a free weekend, or just love finding new reads, two of my favorite authors, Lorraine Heath (Beyond Scandal and Desire) and Laura Lee Guhrke (The Trouble with True Love) have new books out NOW, as in this week. I’ve been arguing with myself since Tuesday which one to start first tonight.

People, I need help! Which one? Comment below.

If you haven’t read either of these authors, I’ll pause right here and let you catch up. Go on. Get reading. I’ll wait . . . and sneak in a few pages while I do.


In the mean time and looking ahead to great reads coming at the end of the month, Caroline Linden kindly offered two Advanced Copies of My Once and Future Duke (Yes, as in before they hit the shelves, you lucky pup, you!) for a drawing that runs through February 7th. Winners will be announced on the 8th. The contest entry form can be found here.

In the meantime, I think I’ve filled up your TBR pile rather nicely…

Now it’s your turn: Who are you looking forward to reading in the next few months?


  1. Karen H

    I agree with you about Valerie Bowman. I have already read 2 of her Playful Brides and have several more on my TBR shelves including TRKoR. Same with Laura Lee Guhrke. Love her books too. But I’m waiting impatiently for 2 new releases from my very favorite (aside from you Lizbo) Sabrina Jeffries. She has a new one in March titled The Secret of Flirting and then a novella in July titled The Risk of Rogues. They are part of her Sinful Suitors series.

    • Elizabeth

      OOOH! Good to know. There are so many great authors, it is hard to keep up on who has what coming out when.

  2. Joanna M

    I wish I could help you choose but I’m in the same boat. I don’t know which book to read first so what I’m going to do is put the names of the books in a piece of paper, put them in a bowl, and let fate decided! =D

    • Elizabeth

      I get that way as well. Like Valerie’s book–it came out of the suitcase first, so it was the first to be read. And a lucky choice it was.



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