News & Newsworthy

Lorraine Heath

Five Things For Friday

Well, this is an abbreviated list of sorts—part vacation slides, part yummy recipe, and finally, a good listen. First the roadtrip. My son and I drove 2329 miles in four days. Through Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois. Secondly, I...

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Friday Reads: Romance & An ARC Giveaway

I was on vacation recently and took a stack of books with me. As one does. My husband always cringes and asks, "How much room do you need for the books?" My answer is always the same, "Enough for all of them." He's a patient man. First Things First Before we even got...

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5 Things About: Lorraine Heath

Let me say first, I ADORE Lorraine Heath. I've known Lorraine for years and years--and she always makes me laugh. I've been on endless buses with her, traveled on book tours with her and laughed more than is probably healthy around her--mostly about Cathy Maxwell and...

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