Friday Reads: Up and Away

Mar 9, 2018 | Elizabeth's Favorites, TV, Movies, & Good Reads

When I travel (which I will be this coming week) I inevitably take three books with me. One for the outbound flight. One for the return flight. And a backup book in case Book A or Book B is, well, a dud.

I think sometimes I spend more time picking my three books than I do all the other things that go into planning a trip—booking everything, making arrangements, packing, et al.

Those three books get A LOT of consideration.

But here is my dilemma with this lot.

Egads, what to read first? This is like the gold strike of romance novels.

I know one certain thing: None of these will be a dud.

Laura Lee Guhrke? (The Trouble with True Love) I know the characters will wrench at my heart!

Loretta Chase? (A Duke in Shining Armor) Always fills me with laughter and good cheer.

Lorraine Heath. (Beyond Scandal and Desire) I, mean, come on. It’s Lorraine Heath. Need I say more?

No. I don’t think I need to.

I think I am more excited about the reading material than I am the trip. So tell me, what three books are you in a dither over right now?


  1. Maryellen Webber

    Loved A Duke In Shinning Armor!!! Great choices to bring in your trip. I’m looking forward to Grace Burrowes newest book, You must read a debut novel by Karen Odden called A Lady In The Smoke. It’s a wonderful Victorian mystery. Safe travels!!!!

    • Elizabeth

      Grace Burrowes has a new book coming out? must check it out. And I adore historical mysteries. Will definitely go find this author! Thanks for the recommendations!



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