Five Things for Friday

Sep 18, 2020 | Friends, Holidays, TV, Movies, & Good Reads, Five Things

I have started and restarted this week’s edition three times. I just don’t know where to start this week with so much wrong going on.

So, let me just share what I have, and my hope is that one of these things will make you smile.


Have you seen the preview for Enola Holmes on Netflix? Well, here it is:

Go ahead, watch it, I’ll wait.

It had me at Henry Cavill. Coming next week on Netflix.


I know right now that an outside fire is the furthest thing from most of our minds. But just before the entire west burst into flames, I went with a few friends to a beach and one of them had this Flatpack grill.

It is the coolest little gadget, allowing you to have a small, outside fire just about anywhere, plus it works as a nifty grill. We cooked dinner on it and then enjoyed watching the sunset with a beach fire. And then it all folds up flat and cleans up in a flash.

Might make a great gift for someone you know or yourself. For better days ahead.


Speaking of thinking toward the holidays, (I know, I can’t even believe I’m advocating Christmas before Halloween, but there it is) I found the cutest site recently, Redbubble. All kinds of neat and unique pieces done by artists—artwork, prints, phone cases, coffee mugs—that you won’t find elsewhere.

I just went nuts for the Typewriter themed swag for the upcoming Surrey International Writer’s Conference. (More on that later).

Even better, they sent me a link to give to you all, $10 off on a $30 or more dollar order. You just might find something truly fun for you or that hard to gift loved one.


Just before I ran off with to the beach, I made this Peach and Pepper Jam, which the friends voted the nummiest thing ever.

I love this jam so much, I am in a horrible quandary about giving it away. In the sense that I want to sit with crackers and eat it all.

Solution: Make more.

Photo credit: Seasons & Suppers


Fall is my favorite time of year for a variety of reasons but mostly because the Fall Writing Conferences are in full swing. Sadly, they’ve all gone virtual, so I won’t get to hang out with friends, but happily with them virtual, lots of people can jump into a writing conference without the added expenses of travel.

So if you’ve ever want to write, but the costs or just the idea of walking alone into a huge conference seemed too daunting, here’s a way to try it out without all the added stress.

Added bonus to these two conferences? You’ll know someone who is attending. Me.

Women Writing the West, October 15-18

This is a smaller conference, but packs a lot of variety into a small footprint. Experienced speakers, a variety of subjects for writers at all the stages of their careers. Take a look at the brochure here. This would be a friendly, easy place to venture into the writing world.

Surrey International Writer’s Conference, October 23-25

This is the BEST writing conference in North America. Bar none. A very well curated list of speakers and topics that reach toward writers of genre fiction, poetry, nonfiction and everything in between. I am always humbled and proud to be a part of this conference. Register and then get ready for a writing experience like no other.

So I hope you found something to smile about. I know five of you who were notified that you’d won last week’s audiobook giveaway. Never fear, I have another audiobook contest in the works. Just keep an eye out.

Hugs and love to all of you. Times are hard, but we are not alone. Not when we have books, friends and Fridays.





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