News & Newsworthy

Adventures & Travel

OMG! You Guys are Great!

And this time I mean that. No really. When I asked for everyone to post a list of books, I thought I'd get a decent list, but you all came through and gave me a fantastic list to pass along to a whole bunch of librarians. If you haven't posted your favorites yet, I'm...

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One At A Time

Ever wondered when you find an autographed book in the grocery store or the Target how it got there? Did the author do—as it is known in the business—a drive-by? Or did they, as I just did this week, find themselves in a warehouse surrounded by pallets of...

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The March of March

It seems to me that March always comes in like a lion, and then like a lion, chews on me for 30 some days, then leaves me in some forgotten part of the pride land, dazed and bleeding. Can you tell we've been watching The Lion King around our house? But carnivorous...

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Celebrate Readers

That is really what the Celebrate Romance conference should be called, because Wow! what a great group of readers. This was my first CR, (and please, don't let it be the last!!) and I had so much fun. I knew the trip was going to be great when on the train going down...

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Events, Past and Future

Last week I spoke on a panel at a meeting of the Pacific Northwest Writer's Association, and was astounded at the number of people who showed up.  Lots of folks interested in being writers and looking for those tips and hints that pushed each of us toward publication....

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Celebrate Romance 2009 – Resolve to Go!

First off, thank you everyone who has posted a comment, emailed me privately, or spread the word about the sneak peek inside Confessions of a Little Black Gown via the links in the comment section that will take you to Facebook, MySpace or your favorite social site,...

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