News & Newsworthy

Adventures & Travel

My Favorite Event

I know, an author shouldn't have favorites, but I really, really, love going to the Rose City Chapter's Reader's Luncheon for Literacy. Ah, let me count the reasons" 1) I go down in the most civilized form of travel available. The train. And when you take the train...

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Don’t Let the Librarians Fool You

Beneath their mild-mannered, Dewey loving exteriors, beats some very passionate hearts. I discovered that last week when I made my first trip to the PLA Conference in Minneapolis. (Just in case you aren't a librarian, the PLA is the Public Library Association)....

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Trains, Planes and Automobiles

I've been so caught up in finishing a book, everything has sort of stacked up on the desk. I looked up the other day, blinked like a ground hog and realized I've got a bunch of events coming up soon and I didn't have any of the particulars nailed down. Like airline...

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It's that week . . .

I know, I'm supposed to wax poetic about this week because I am a romance writer. It is rather like carrying the standard in this business. Oh, it's Valentine's Day, let's trot the local romance writers out of their caves, dress them in red and have them go on and on...

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Monday Meanderings

I wish I could be inspired this morning and give you something to ponder over the next seven days, but I've had the flu for a week and running my push one button have a latte coffee machine is taxing my bandwidth right now. So I thought I would share something I found...

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London Calling . . .

So last week on my knitting blog, Knit the Stash, I filled out a questionnaire for a knitting swap, Beat the Winter Doldrums. Knitters do cool things like this. Get together, make small projects for each other, add in a pile of goodies and send said box of goodies...

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