News & Newsworthy

Brazen Series

So Who Did Say It?

So who said the following: "I disagree," she said, drawing shocked looks from nearly everyone at the table. "My father was afraid of the company one finds in those schools. It was his belief that the polish that you think so highly of, Miss Cottwell, gives a young...

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So, Who Said It?

Continuing my #ThrowbackThursday challenge, I've pulled another line or two out of one of my books, and now I'm asking you: Who Said It? "I disagree," she said, drawing shocked looks from nearly everyone at the table. "My father was afraid of the company one finds in...

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Who Said It?

Just to give #ThrowbackThursday a different twist, I thought I might play a game I'm calling "Who Said It?" Pulling a line or two out of one of my books, I'm going to see just how well you know my stories... So, Who Said It? "What will the neighbors think if you toss...

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TBT: Brazen Angel

I don't know how many people told me NOT to write Brazen Angel. An editor at a conference. More than one agent. Critic partners. Contest judges. Every single one of them said that any story set around the French Revolution wasn't romantic, would never sell. One of my...

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Spring Break Madness

With it being Spring Break in lots of places—and in the coming weeks, I decided a little Spring Madness was in order. So Brazen Angel is now up on Nook and Kindle for the incredible price of .99! Now this isn't going to last forever. Probably until I come to my...

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Redefining a Classic

"It's a Brazen cover." You don't know how many times in my career I have heard another writer describe their cover, or someone else's as "a Brazen cover." The look is now iconic, but in 1996, the cover for Brazen Angel was a brand new take on covers—the tousled...

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