Beginnings . . .

Jun 4, 2007 | TV, Movies, & Good Reads, Writing, Friends

When I sat down to write this first post for my new blog, I realized beginning a blog is much like beginning a book.  You sort of sit there and try to think of something brilliant to open with, something to dazzle the reader, then you realize that probably won’t happen right out of the chute.  So you start writing anyway.  That’s when you know you are a writer.  When you grant yourself the hall pass to write something less than brilliant and just get on with the story.  Because if you sat and waited for inspiration, that “Aha!” moment, you’d waste a heck of a lot of time.  Lines that shine like gems, perfect pieces of witty, searing dialogue don’t happen when you haven’t even had a chance to finish your first coffee or your computer is barely booted, they happen after your fingers have been flying over the keyboard and your focus has finally let go of the laundry and shopping and the [insert your own form of nagging here] that follows each of us around.

In other words, when you get down to the business at hand and just write, then the good things start to happen.  That isn’t to say editing isn’t also a huge blessing in disguise.  As is rereading those pages the next day after you’ve had a chance to sleep on your ideas.  But those are discussions for another day. 

So I suppose you want to know what I am going to do here.  My first hope is to entertain, as it always is when I sit down to write.  I know I am not writing the great American novel that will change the face of a generation.  Heavens, I don’t want that responsibility.  It is hard enough to write a book that one hopes will make people laugh, some people cry (because honestly, not everyone is as prone to tears as I am—which is why I have banned myself from taking Debbie Macomber books on the plane) and for anyone who needed a break from life, a few hours to escape.  I write fiction that is meant to be read, enjoyed and then, if you liked it enough, you tell everyone you know to read it, including your mom, aunt, BFF, coworker—oh, you get the point.

So how do I plan on entertaining you here?  That is the big question.  I won’t be able to help  myself, I’m going to talk about writing.  Nuts and bolts advice about getting words together and those pages down.  And I currently plan on doing that at least once a week.  So if you are an aspiring writer, or just curious about “The Process,” make sure you subscribe to my feed. 

So you aren’t a writer.  No worries.  My interests range far and wide outside the writing world.  Luckily for you, you missed my recent American Idol frenzy.  After that, there’s celebrity gossip, which I am a bit of an addict.  And then there is my other notorious addiction:  All My Children.  What was that kiss with Krystal and Derrick?  And this new Greenlee?  I’m not sure yet.  Music, movies, pop culture, movie stars that now seem to be half my age.  Not that I consider that a bad thing.

If you don’t like AMC or any of the above, there’s always whatever I am reading. kissofcrimson150px.jpg Currently on the nightstand:  Mary Reed McCall’s book, The Templar’s Seduction, and after that?  Lara Adrian’s Kiss of Crimson.  I’m not usually a vampire girl, but the first book, Kiss of Midnight really caught me up.  And I’m a sucker for a good series which this promises to be, though I have a hard time reading vampire books after sunset. 

So there you have it.  The beginning of my blog.  Maybe after all these words, the better question would be, what would you like me to blog about?  Burning questions about writing?  How Paris Hilton will ever endure 23 days in jail without her Blackberry?  Did Zach sleep with his ex to give her a baby?  What do you do with too much rhubarb?  Let me know and I’ll be more than happy to put them in queue.  But don’t forget to subscribe over there in the sidebar! 



P.S.  Happy Birthday, Mom!


  1. AndreaW

    Welcome to blog world, Elizbo!!

    I’d love to hear about whatever you’d like to share . . . a little of everything. 🙂


    p.s. HB to your mom! June is a great month 😉

  2. Helen

    I love visiting blogs and have added this one to my favourites so I will be dropping in often to find out all the gossip on everything and anything
    Have Fun

  3. Elizbo

    Thanks all for the lovely welcome! I’m looking forward to this new adventure.

  4. Mad

    Welcome to Blogland, ElizBo…I stumbled onto your blog when I was checking for your next book. 🙂 Is it August 28th, yet? 🙂



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