I love NYC

Oct 8, 2007 | This & That, Adventures & Travel

Let me just get that up front and center. I LOVE NYC. I always have. I find it enormously fascinating, always interesting, and surprising on every corner. So when I got the chance to speak at the New Jersey Romance Writers Put Your Heart in a Book Conference, I was thrilled—because I knew it meant I could go you-know-where.

Now my husband doesn’t get nor understand my love affair with NYC, so I took my son, Nicholas with me. He’s been pestering me to take him to New York since he was four. Yes, four. I promised him way back then I would take him when he was eight—thinking he would never remember such a promise—oooh, he remembered. And in Nick, I found a kindred spirit—a traveling buddy who loves NYC as much as I do.

And the fun part about going to NY this time, even after I’ve visited so many other times was seeing it through the eyes of a child. He brought back all the wonder and joy I felt exploring the city nearly twenty years ago. We visited places I’d been before: The Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, the American Museum of Natural Sciences (aka Night at the Museum), Central Park, rode the subway, rode in taxis, saw two plays—all of it accompanied by these gasps of delight and “Wow, Mom! This is SO cool!”

Not often a mom gets to be cool.

Even though it was hot — the 80s in October, who would have thought it? — he trudged alongside me up and down the blocks in the garment district while I searched for new button stores, took the 3 hour time change in stride, and ate more slices of pizza than I thought was possible. If I carry away anything from this trip it is the image of him dancing on the piano at FOA Schwartz, ala the movie Big. He even conned his Aunt Cathy into taking him back there while I was at the conference so he could do it again. The little ham—I don’t know where he gets it.

Best of all, the little squirt did me proud—he went in to HarperCollins and made himself at home, learned how they make book covers, pitched his comic book series to Carrie Ferron and dealt well with having to sit through “a very boring” lunch (his words, not mine) with my editor at my favorite lunch spot (the tea room at Takashimaya.)  Thank goodness I had the forethought to put Garfield, A Tale of Two Kitties on my iPod for him. The only time he really balked was when I had to catch up with Julia Quinn and she was in The American Girl Store.

Word of caution: Do not ask an eight year old boy to set foot inside The American Girl Store. You stop being cool in a New York minute.

So as we flew home last night, and he sleepily curled up next to me on the plane, I heard the best words of all just before he fell asleep, “Thanks mom. I love New York, don’t you?”

Yes, honey, I do. I really, really do.

What are your favorite places in NYC? And if you haven’t been, what would you most like to see?


  1. Santa

    I LOVE NYC! I loved commuting to work there even though it was close to two hours away, door to door.

    One of my favorite places is Grammacy Park. If you stay at the Grammacy Inn you get a key into the park. It’s the only private park left in the city and it just transports me back to Edith Wharton’s NYC. Marvelous.

    I’d love to see the Tenament Museum on Orchard Street on the lower East side. I promised my daughter a return visit to the AG store, she adores the place.

    I’ve never been to Ellis Island and would love to go there with my kids.

  2. Haven Rich

    Oh wow sounds like you’ve had a wonderful time. Need I mention I’m jealous? I would love to go to NYC.

    My son was like that..the big eyed, taking it all in awe, when we moved to San Diego and he got to see the “big ships”. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a boy drool so much. He loves the aircraft carriers. Oh and he loved the Coronado Bridge so much that he always drew pictures of it for me. I still have several. My son is a boat man all the way. He’s the only 5 y/o I know that could sit through Titanic and beg to watch it again…over and over again. BTW he’s now 12 and still loves Titanic.

  3. Debra S.

    Hi Elizabeth,

    It was great to meet you in NJ. And this weekend it looks like Autumn is finally going to arrive, so my plan is to curl up with a cup of tea and start reading your book. I can’t wait. (Maybe I’ll knit too)

    My favorite places in NY are Bloomingdale’s (I remember the first thing I bought there) and Radio City Music Hall (where I met my husband).

    Have a great day,

  4. CrystalGB

    Sounds like you and your son had a wonderful trip. It is great to share those moments. 🙂

  5. AndreaW

    It sounds as if you and your son had an absolute blast, Elizabeth! Glad to hear it. I’ve never been to NYC, but would love to go someday. I actually would love to see the places you mentioned: Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, the AMoNS and Central Park. I’d love to visit those with my family.

  6. Janelle

    I have a completely unrelated question. (Although I quite enjoy New York City as well).

    Do the Marlowes as a whole ever find out about the Wish Ring?

  7. Christina Arbini

    E, that is so great that you took Nick with you! What a wonderful memory to share with him. You know it’s something he’ll remember for the rest of his life. You ARE a cool mom! 🙂 Now, you would have been cooler had you taken ME with you, but that’s a conversation for another time. LOL!

    I’ve only been to NY once (for the National conference several years ago), but I fell in love with it then and still yearn to go back. Sadly, I might have to wait until National comes around again in another 4 years, as there are way too many places I need to return to (namely Europe) in the meantime. 🙂 I loved reading about your trip, though. Great post!


  8. Elizabeth

    Hey, Santa! It was so wonderful to finally meet you!

    And Debra–you met your husband at Radio City Music Hall? Do tell!

    Janelle, as for your question, here is my mean, wretched answer: yes and no.

    Christina, you are so funny–consider skipping national one year and going to the NJ conference. They get a lot of agents and editors and it was a really fun conference. And spitting distance to NYC.

  9. Debra S.

    Hi Elizabeth,

    We met on Halloween during the taping of Hollywood Squares. He’s a stage electrician & I was an EMT. We were set up by another stagehand and the rest is history as they say. I worked there until we married, now we live in Connecticut. But I get down to the city as often as I can, my parents still live there and I love the shopping. 🙂


  10. Melissa McClone

    Sounds like a wonderful trip! I love strolling through Central Park. My fave thing to do in NY is see a show. Nothing beats that!

    We spent our oldest’s first Christmas in NY. She was 9 months old and we took her to FAO Schwartz, the Zoo and Rockefeller Center. We went back when she was 16 months and did the same circuit with her. I want to take her back now that she’s nine. I’m sure, however, that The American Girl Place would be her favorite.

  11. Diane O'Neal

    Hi Elizabeth,

    I will always remember my first (and so far only) trip to New York. You took us on a terrific whirlwind tour of the city. Your love for the city was evident. The only problem was we had too little time to see and do everything we wanted. I want to go back some day soon, I’ll let you know when so you can do the tour thing again. What do you think of Beijing next? With a year in DC first learning Chinese…yikes!


  12. Keira Soleore

    ElizBo, loved your NYC post. I went there last December with a friend and we walked for miles. No city does Christmas the way New York does it. In Seattle, we have “holiday” trees (eye roll). So when I saw cathedrals having complete nativity scenes, ice skating, gigantic trees, snow flakes, politically incorrect Santas and elves… ahhhh, it was like being a kid in a candy store. So much fun. So much in the spirit. It was the best Christmas!

  13. Keira Soleore

    You met JQ at The American Girl Store?? What happened to the COACH store???? And the Ferragamo.

  14. Elizabeth

    Diane, that was a whirlwind day–I remember it being really hot and thinking I was going to get seasick on the boat out to the Statue of Liberty. But it was fun to share it with you and Wanda. But if you were in DC–wow–we could make that work. And I think RWA is going back to DC sometime soon. 🙂

    Keira, yes, we met at the American Girl Store. Apparently she was dining there. Don’t ask.



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