Getting Going With A Little Help From My Friends

Nov 1, 2007 | Adventures & Travel, TV, Movies, & Good Reads, Writing

Gads. I’ve been terrible about getting something together about the weekend—perhaps its because I’m still trying to get caught up after a whirlwind month of social engagements. My husband was a tad grumpy the other day and I asked him what had his boxers in a knot (okay, perhaps that wasn’t the most gracious way to ask and by way of marital harmony, I could have phrased it a little better) and his reply was: “Well, you’ve been gone. Like the entire month. And I’ve had to deal with the kids and every thing.” Do you see the hands up in the air and the look of male outrage? Truly I wept for him having to deal with the kids and the house and the crazy schedule because I hadn’t the least notion what that would be like. Snort.

So now that I am back, I’ve done my ritual cleaning of the office (because said husband, if he doesn’t know where something goes, dumps it in my office—uh, honey, when did I start playing with Bionicles?) And then I started writing. I don’t know—just being around all my favorite writing buddies, listening to some great writing talk, loads of gossip and all that goes on when you spend a month hanging with the writing crowd, I sat down Tuesday and started writing. Like there’s a fire in my chair to get pages down. I’m loving it.

And I have the following folks to thank:

Like Janet Ulbright. She is one of the MOST supportive people I know. Truly she is one of my favorite people to find at a conference. She’s kind and generous and always has this bright wonderful smile on her face. And as you can see, she has great taste in books.

And then there are Terri Reed and Leah Vale, and Nicole Burnham who was off checking out . I love these guys! They make me laugh and hoot and smile more than any other writers I know. Niki and I got very caught up over lunches and driving around and even got a chance to gang up on Leah. We made our goals for the year over drinks and a great lunch and once again dreamed big, spilled out our deepest writing dreams to each other without any worries about sharing something that wouldn’t be understood. Leah, are you writing?! I am!

And then there was someone like Ciara here—who came by the signing—asked to have our picture taken and was so sweet, that on the days when I wonder why it is I spend my days chained to my chair, I will remember her beautiful smile and excitement and let it rejuvenate me all over again.

Thank you, one and all.


  1. Janelle

    Hi, Elizbo!

    I feel soooooo sorry for your husband! Imagine having to be the primary caregiver! *eyeroll*

    Anyway, I’m really glad that you haven’t been drained by the last month, and happy that you’re experiencing such an outpouring of creativity! May it continue! (And, selfishly, may it lead to awesome Wish books! And the Bachelor Chronicles…)


  2. Jill Collins

    Hi Elizabeth,
    I had noticed Love Letters From A Duke advertised and decided to check it out. It was the first book of yours I had ever read and I loved it!! I am definitely hooked and now I want to read some of the earlier stories about Jack and Temple. I hope you will be writing Pippen’s story soon. That should be a great book. I loved Felicity’s character and her strong sense of wanting to take care of her family, friends and even servants. Loved Thatcher too. Great book!

    Jill (in Ohio)

  3. AndreaW

    Great pictures! 🙂



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