I’ll be filling my chair here, and settling in this Tuesday night (11/6) at 9 pm Eastern time to chat live with anyone who wants to drop by Coffee Time Romance with questions, comments, or if you just want to eavesdrop, that’s allowed as well. I’ll be joined by my fellow Avon author, and recent Speed Dating Librarian wingman, Jenna Petersen. I’ll be dishing dirt on my two series, hinting about Hermione’s book and generally causing rowdiness. As much as you can with a latte in one hand and trying to type intelligently with the other. Drop by!
Thanks, Elizabeth! I had a blast!
Thanks for coming by. Those chats are always fun and go by so fast!
So sorry I missed this Elizabeth! I had arrived home pretty late last night from two days of travel. Also, sorry for not being around this past month, I’ve been out of town and my internet connection was very limited. Now I’m back and ready to comment 😀
Hope all has been going well with you.