Happy New Year!

Jan 1, 2008 | Holidays, Elizabeth's Favorites

How exciting! It is 2008! I can’t believe the last year passed so quickly, but that just seems to be the way of getting older and more settled with your life—time seems to speed up—just when I could really use a few extra hours in the day.

Speaking of getting older, the other day my DH and I were discussing getting a babysitter and the oldest hero asked for “a boy babysitter.” My husband was a bit taken aback by this, and then I chimed in that when I was little, my brother and I had a boy babysitter, whose name was JC. So the oldest hero asks, “Well, can JC come babysit us?” And I explained that JC didn’t babysit any more, because he was older than me . . . yadda, yadda, yadda . . . and the hero thinks about this and says, “Oh, if he’s older than you, Mom, then he’s probably dead.” Oh, so comforting. Especially right before one’s birthday to know that anyone older than me must be dead!

Speaking of my birthday, here is my dilemma every year over New Year’s resolutions. I can make all the resolutions I want on December 31st, but a few days later my birthday comes along, and if you think for one minute I am forgoing my birthday cake and spending the day exercising, well, think again! So no point in getting going on my resolutions until after the Epiphany. Plus, that just clears the field of all the people who lasted about a week on their resolutions.

But one thing I do have to get going on is my writing, so I will be blogging only once a week for a while. So watch for a new blog every Monday morning and keep those comments and suggestions coming. And just so you do keep coming back—I’ve got a scan of my new cover and it is to die for. Stay tuned.

By the way, Happy New Year. And thank you so much for all you did to make 2007 so memorable for me. Now, why not share what was memorable about last year for you, and your hopes for 2008. (Note: I did not say resolutions. Remember, those are frowned upon until after January 6th.


  1. Margaret Garland

    I have experience that “old” feeling at the hands of a young whippersnapper, Elizabeth. Too lowering by half! I was only 47 at the time and ws was about 5. To him, I was ancient. I wonder how he feels about it now that he’s an antique 27? Time do change your perspective on things, doesn’t it?

    Happy New Year aned get busy writing! I’ll look for your blog every Monday.


  2. therese

    Happy New Year and Happy Birthday!
    I’m so glad to be past the baby-sitting days since all that’s left now has 4 legs. 🙂

    I suppose it’s OK for you to concentrate on your writing, since it’s your books that brought us to you. I’m a sporadic blog reader and seldom poster because of that silly thing called life so I’ll put checking the blog on my auto reminder for Mondays.


  3. Haven Rich

    Happy Early Birthday Elizabeth!!! Hope you have a fabulous day! And I don’t blame you for not skipping on the cake…I wouldn’t either.

    I hope to drop a few pounds this year and hope to be a better person and all that other new years resolution stuff, but my main goal this year is to write more! So I hear you on blogging less and writing more.

    Here’s to another year…wiser??…and lots of writing!

  4. Gillian

    Happy Birthday!

    I can’t believe you’ve got a new cover. It feels like you just released “Love Letters”. You must be a proficient writer! 🙂

  5. Jamie Leigh Hansen

    Your birthday is the 6th? How awesome. Mine is the 7th. Happy soon-to-be birthday!!

    And, I’ve taken The Plan and made one for book 3. Working Title: Damned. So now I have The Damned Plan. lol Thank you, Elizabeth!

    And I won’t miss a blog. I signed up for the RSS Feed, so it’s delivered to my inbox. I love that feature. 🙂

    Happy New Year!

  6. Christina Arbini

    Happy early birthday, Elizabeth! I completely understand about the feeling “old” thing. I’ve got a milestone b-day coming up next month and I am NOT amused. 🙁 In fact, I’m having a big problem with this, especially since it will mean ushering in a new decade. I am SO NOT ready, not to mention my mind still thinks I’m about twenty years younger than my driver’s license says. And here I used to like birthdays.


  7. Deborah Schneider

    Elizabeth, your February program for the King County Library System in on our homepage, listed under Meet the Authors. We will have the bookmarks you talked about as part of the promotion.
    Happy Birthday!

  8. Eva S

    Happy Birthday Elizabeth and I hope it will be a great one!
    I must admit I’d rather skip the cake, I have too in February a milestone b-day and would rather take a trip somewhere, but my DH and my children have organized something, I don’t know what…

    2007 was a wonderful year , I found so many new friends and you can never have too many, especially now when my children don’t live at home anymore…
    This year I will read more but also try to make a list of my books since I have more than once come home with something I already have…LOL…
    Happy 2008 to you, Eva



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