So I lied.

Jan 6, 2008 | Writing

Yes, I have an extra blog this week, but not here.  Over at Purple Hearts.  Drop by, but be advised:  I am handing out non-nonsense, non-fuzzy advice about writing.  You know me, all warm and full of sugar now that I am about to embark on my New Year’s Resolutions.  Small children with candy be warned.


  1. therese

    It was a very good blog at Purple Hearts!

  2. Jessica

    Thanks for joining us at the Purple Hearts! Your advice is terrific and much appreciated – we are thrilled to have you with us this week!

  3. Jamie Beck

    I read this and I want to thank you for your comments. I like writing as much as I like reading. When I first got into writing online. I gave some of my work to people who instead of giving me a critique, basically told me I wrote like crap and to look on these “how to write” links. It hurt like the dickens. I have since learned to make my stories better.

    I may never be a famous author like you, but I can still write for fun. That is what writing is anyway. You just the added bonus of making money from it. Which benefits me because I love your stories.

    Thanks again! ::hugs::

  4. Elizabeth

    I have so enjoyed doing this blog, because it made me take a second look at my own WIP and I’ve spent the last two days tearing it apart. For the better. Of course axing 40 pages hurts like heck, but the story is better for it.

    And Jamie, hang in there. I once had someone write in red sharpie across the top of a contest entry, “You’re writing is unprofessional and you will never be published.” Oh yeah?



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