They are a coming. In the next few months my website will be getting some upgrades and new features. Not giving away anything just yet, but just wanted to make sure you had a bit of a heads up. It’s been sort of exciting to go through my current site and look at it from a redecorating stand point. I love my site, but we all need something new every once in a while, don’t we?

One thing I can show you is that I’ve cleaned up my Blog Categories over there on the right—added some new, gathered together a bunch and kept some of the old. They will be part of what I will be integrating all over the site—fun stuff.

Also on the advance notice side, I have a new book coming out—Lord Langley is Back in Town—and he’ll be arriving at the end of May. I know that sounds like eons away, but it will be here before you know it. Before I know it. And very soon, I’ll get an excerpt up, just to tease you a bit. In the meantime, it is up on for pre-order or for Kindle pre-order. Do you read ebooks? I am starting to fall in love with them and I hear the Kindle is great.

The Lord Langley cover, I think you will agree, is awesome. Julia Quinn spotted it the other day and emailed me, with a subject line that read, Holy Cow.  And inside was the following: I just saw your new cover—GORGEOUS! She’s right, it is gorgeous, but have you seen her new cover? Really pretty—besides who doesn’t love red shoes?

So if you haven’t seen it or heard it yet, I am coming to LA in April—I’ll be there for the Romantic Times conference and Gi-normous booksigning on Saturday, April 9th. Details over on my Events page. If you live in the LA area, well worth the trip to come by and say “Hi,” since besides yours truly, there will be tons of other writers there. I’m thinking about putting together maybe a fan dinner or something for Friday night. If you are interested, let me know.

And if you haven’t “Liked” my Facebook Fan Page yet, what are you waiting for? I am holding contests and giveaways over there (along with my groovy gift card giveaway on my Contest page here> so get over to my Fan Page and hit Like so you can join in. I promise, the fun there will NOT change. 🙂

1 Comment

  1. terripatrick

    Oh bloody blast! More good books to read. More technology to learn. I’m not sure if I’ve “liked” your FB fan page but I’m sure I like it. And I never enter your contests because I always buy your books.

    I’d love to be part of your fan party in LA but I’m not going to RT until I’m sitting on your side of the author table. Thanks for the warning that I have until May before Lord Langley comes to town.

    Must stay focused on my writing schedule. Must not be deterred even by ruby slippers on a new Julia Quinn. Must get into the author side of a book signing event. Authors get the chairs…



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