The closer a book comes to being released, the more I feel my life speeding up. I start writing faster, I panic faster, I get out of the house more. Which is probably a good thing—because then I can get a chance to see all of you. And in that, let’s get outta here vein, I’m off to the Romantic Times Reader’s Convention this week. Currently I am going through my usual, “what to wear, what to pack” panic but by the time I reach LA, I will have my SoCal vibe on and be quite mellow.

I hadn’t planned on going, but then RT sort of twisted my arm and then my publisher sort of twisted a bit on the other. And since A) I only have two arms, and B) RT is on the West Coast and C) in the same time zone, I really have no excuses not to go. Of course the family is all bummed I am not taking them. They sort of have the Romantic Times convention confused with Disneyland. Yes, there are people in strange costumes and long lines. But sadly not a ride in sight, not unless you count the hotel elevator and the weird shimmy you usually have to do to get to your booksigning table.

If you are going (or even if you aren’t going to the whole conference, but live in the greater LA area), do try to drop by and meet me at the Gi-normous booksigning Saturday, April 9th. This is open to the public and chock full of authors and fun people to meet. Details over on my Event page.

And if you can’t get to LA, consider tuning in Wednesday, April 6th at 6pm PDT for Romance Live, a streamed event that allows you to ask me and other Avon historical authors questions and even buy autographed books, which we will personalize for you and then have them magically delivered to your door. Think Mother’s Day presents, think, “well heck, I can’t get to LA, and I deserve an autographed book from Elizabeth Boyle.” Your pick. The powers that be are so excited about this event, they sent me this fancy dog .gif. you see flashing to the right. Of course, I’ve broken it somehow and it is refusing to flash, but click on it and it will take you right to the Romance Live page where you can wait patiently until Wednesday to meet me via the magic of the internet.

For those of you who are going to RT, make sure you find me and give me a big shout—not too loud, I frighten easily—because if you do, and you are one of the first 100 people to tell me you read my blog, love my books, have “Liked” my Facebook page, I have a little commemorative Lord Langley is Back in Town gift for you. Something cool, something handcrafted by this very cool friend of mine, and something that only 100 people will have. Just saying, find me. Again, my RT schedule is over there on the Events page if you feel an urgent need to track me down.


  1. Janice Perkins

    Couldn’t wait to read your book Mad About The Duke. The day I received it I was in the middle of another book so I had to finish it first. ( I try to do that even when it is dull)I really enjoyed reading Mad about the Duke and then had to go back and re-read it again. Keep writng all these good books for us to read. Love them.

  2. Janice Perkins

    Elizabeth how do you find all the time. When you are not writing on your book you are on Facebook, Twitter, Ravelry,and other crafting sites and doing your crafts, and keeping up your blog. When do you find the time to get out of the house and have a life. Bless you.



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