Apr 12, 2011 | Adventures & Travel, Friends

Back from LA and RT and all those other two initial acronyms that elude me right at the moment. Had this sort of glorious time doing nothing. Well, I wasn’t exactly doing nothing—my schedule was packed—but I had that sense of flitting from one thing to another and not really having to work all that hard. Plus, it was fun. Yes, I said fun.

I don’t always find big conferences fun. Too loud. Too many people. Too many costume changes. Too much. But having made the decision to go to RT rather late in the game, allowed me to put only the things I wanted on my schedule and hang out the rest of the time. Like here is me in the middle of a perfectly good afternoon with a drink in front of me. Work should always be this difficult. But as my new BFFs Liza Palmer and Megan Crane assured me, I was working. Ah, California.

And to continue the theme of Authors Behaving Badly, I did have to work very hard at the Romance Live event, wherein I had to sit at a table and yak with five other authors about whatever popped into our moderator’s head. This was fueled by a tower of cupcakes and wine, which made for a lively debate over Mr. Darcy. Alpha or Beta? Tessa Dare, my other new BFF, and I were in the same camp. Beta all the way. I am sorry, but Mr. Darcy is not some knuckle dragging Alpha. There, I finally got the last word in, as long as no one comments and argues with me. Which now I know someone will. Especially if Cathy Maxwell reads this. Actually I adore being around her—she’s the most effervescent person I’ve ever met. Love her to death. But she’s dead wrong about Darcy. When they get the video up live on their channel, I’ll post a link, so if you missed the event you can watch the replay.

I ran into so many friends at RT—I just kept turning the corner and finding friends—Christina Skye, Delilah Marvelle, Celeste Bradley (always lovely to sit next to at a signing), the indomitable Cherry Adair, that rising star to watch Marcella Brunard. Now off to write my thank you notes, some pages and consider what else I should divulge. Or should I keep the credo, what happens at RT stays at RT?

1 Comment

  1. Andreea

    great your post,thanks



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