Five Things about Robyn DeHart

Jul 14, 2011 | Elizabeth's Favorites, Friends, TV, Movies, & Good Reads

I was struck with a huge case of cover envy the other day when I saw Robyn DeHart’s e-novella release, Her Gentleman Thief. It is just stunning and sexy and all about the romance, which I adore in a cover.

So I asked Robyn, who I met several years ago, to drop by because: a) I like her; b) she writes great books; and c) I knew I shouldn’t be the only gaping in envy at this cover. Or alone in reading the story. So with my usual flourish and a wave, Five Things about Robyn DeHart:

1) Favorite indulgence: Chips and queso, it’s a Texas staple and the very first thing I learned the PointsPlus value on Weight Watchers!

2) The last book you read: Honestly I don’t remember the last one I read, but I am currently reading Suzanne Enoch’s The Care and Taming of a Rogue and I just love it. But she’s a comfort read for me. I always know just what I’m going to get from an Enoch book and I’ve loved all of them.

(EB: I always LOVE to know who is someone’s “comfort” read.)

3) Favorite place to shop online: Definitely Amazon. Even if I don’t actually buy it there, it has such a massive inventory on just about everything. It’s my go-to spot to look up whatever product I’m shopping for. I even order my oldest daughter’s special hair product there.

4) Favorite dessert: Anything with custard, except Tiramisu because of the coffee, without the coffee, that would be a perfect dessert. Notice that I keep talking about food. Hmmm…

5) Most played song on your iPod: Okay so I went and checked and it’s actually a song from the DonJuan DeMarco soundtrack – that’s my go-to album for writing love scenes. I’m not sure what this says about my writing process. And the song in second place is a song from a Veggie Tale CD that I don’t use for love scene inspiration. I’m just gonna leave it at that.

(EB: Yes, I think we should best leave that there!)

Robyn’s latest historical releases include, Treasure Me, and of course, the aforementioned and most envied, Her Gentleman Thief. You can find more about Robyn DeHart at her website, and my favorite place to drop by and find out what’s happening, The Jaunty Quills blog.


  1. Kristina

    I’m pretty sure that is the BEST cover I have ever seen. It just seems so loving! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Robyn DeHart

    Wow, Kristina, thanks. I’m pretty much in love with it and staring at it all day makes working on my new book very difficult. *sigh*

    Thanks to Elizabeth for letting me join her blog today.

  3. Jeanne Miro

    Elizabeth –

    How did I miss that Her Gentleman Thief was out? Thanks for having Robyn in for a little coze. I’m off to Amazon to download it on my Kindle!


  4. Linda McDonald

    Oh yes, that is one great cover! And I agree about Amazon….great place to shop for things and to just get ideas even if the purchase isn’t made through them. I was kind of a late bloomer when it comes to online shopping, but I’ve definitely grown fond if it the past year or so.

    • Elizabeth

      I love online shopping. Mostly because I can’t stand going shopping in stores. To me, online shopping is a dream come true.

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