I may lose my knitting mojo during the summer, but for some reason, I crank through the reading pile. Coincidence? I think not.

But this summer I’ve got a dilemma. I am in the process of finishing up a book which means . . . I tend to avoid reading historical romances for a bit. I just like to keep my head focused on my story and not have someone else’s words invading the process. So I am diving into my stash and reading all over the place. Here is what is on my list or currently being devoured:

The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross
The Discovery Witches by Deborah Harkness
The Rosetta Key by William Dietrich
The Traitor’s Tale by Margaret Frazer
Elizabeth I by Margaret George
Revelation by C.J. Sansom
A Second Helping by Beverly Jenkins
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling. (Hoping to finish a reread of this before Friday!)

As you can see, I am indulging my love of Tudor England with two of the books, a few mysteries, some paranormal, a dash of steampunk, and the wonderful humor and love that Beverly Jenkins puts into her stories. Love her writing! Come September, I will go into a full on, devour a pile of wonderful Regency romances that I have stacking up, but right now, I am flirting with the eclectic.

What is on your summer reading pile? If you haven’t got enough to get you through Labor Day, how about a box of books from the RWA National conference to add to your list? This week’s box has historicals, contemporaries and some great paranormals so make sure you enter for your chance to win by:

1) Leave a comment below. If you are reading this on Facebook, you can only enter at my actual blog. http://elizabethboyle.com/blog/?p=1274. Facebook does not allow contests via their site.


2) Tweet the following: @ElizBoyle wants to add to your summer reading with a great sweeps for readers. http://elizabethboyle.com/blog/?p=1274

I’ll give you all until midnight, PT, Saturday, July 16th to get your entry in.

Make sure to check back here Monday July 18th to find out if you won.

Last week’s winner: Susan P, blog commenter #2, you’ve won the box of books from RWA. Please email me your address before July 18th to collect your prize.


  1. Debra

    I love your books. I read the Bachelor Chronicles in June. Finished Lord Langley Is Back In Town as soon as it came out, in one sitting! Can’t wait for Along Came a Duke.

    In the meantime, my summer reading list include:
    Kismet by Monica Burns
    The Sins of Viscount Sutherland by Samantha James
    Lawless by Emma Wildes
    Riding West by Emma Wildes
    Bay Boys Ahoy! by Sylvia Day
    Duchess in Love by Eloisa James
    Dangerous Pleasure by Lora Leigh
    And finally, in August I’ll be reading A Midnight Dance by Lila Dipasqua.

  2. Riva Dumont

    After moving into a new house and inheriting a cat, I’m reading books on gardening and felines. I’m exploring my new local library and making friends there. Catching up with some of my favorite regency authors and adding new ones I find at community book sales, hopefully reading the new Jean Auel book Land of the Painted Caves, and basically reading whatever my friends throw at me! Sunshine and books, what a great summer.

    I look forward to seeing what everyone else is into and for all the new releases this year.

  3. Jessica

    Well, I can’t say I don’t have enough, but who ever really has enough books? Got Girl Vs. Ghost from Goodreads to read and review, an ARC of The Language of Flowers, Cassidy Jones and the Secret Formula, not to mention all the library e-books. And the #sixpack I won from Avon, which includes your latest Lord Langley as well as 5 others (mostly paranormals). But a box would not be unwelcome!

  4. Patsi Kennedy

    Since I read Lord Langley and awaiting your next book, along with Sabrina Jeffries and Julia London’s. My summer reading list is Hmmm, I read all the time but right now I am reading Madeline Hunter books, I have only four more to read and I have read all of her books in about a month. After I finish her books I will read Janet Chapmen’s newest and the Lynsay Sand’s new regencies. I am not much into mysteries or contemporaries.

  5. Ebony M.

    I have a Big pile of books to read this summer. lol πŸ˜‰ right now, im reading Prelude to a scandal by delilah marville . then, i going to be reading Dangerous pleasure by Lora leigh, and then, a Ladys lesson in scandal by meredith duran, and the Burning up by angela knight, nalini singh, meljean brook. and then lord scandal by kalen hughes. i love your books. i always look forward to buying the next one !!!!

  6. Melissa S

    I am always reading! This past week I have read 2 from Lisa Kelypas, started one by Susan Mallery & re-reading Harry Potter #7 in anticipation of this weeks movie release:) I love a lot of genres but I am not big on paranormal, sci-fi or horror/mysteries! I don’t like to be scared LOL! I bought some books at some resale shops & gargage sales but I am always looking for new to me authors! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. Melinda J

    Well, Whats not in my reading pile, LOL. I an currently re-reading HP and the Deathly Hallows for Friday (I know I will be crying again), then it’s on to Lord Langley, and after him I will go into Sarah MacLean’s 11 Eleven Scandals to Start to Win a Duke’s Heart, and after that it will L.A. Banks’ The Thirteenth, and a few ebooks from the Library, That will at least last 2 weeks, LOL!

  8. Tonya

    I am currently reading (and loving) the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. In my TBR stack is books by Linda Howard, Susan Andersen, Carly Phillips, Stephanie Laurens, Cindy Gerrard, Elizabeth Boyle, Susan Mallery, Eloisa James, Christina Dodd & many more. My Kindle is loaded up too. I have enough books to last me all year but one can never have too many books to read.

  9. Laura T

    I have 142 books in my TBR Pile but here are the ones I will be reading first…

    Waking Up With the Duke :: Lorraine Heath
    A Wedding Wager :: Jane Feather
    Scandal in Scotland :: Karen Hawkins
    Pleasure Me :: Monica Burns

    Have a GREAT summer!

  10. Rhonda

    I have lots of books in my TBR pile right now I’m reading The Shy Duchess by Amanda McCabe and The Angel In My Arms by Stephanie Sloane. I’m enjoying both.
    Tamed By a Highlander Paula Quinn
    Alls Fair in Love and Seduction Beverley Kendall
    The Countess Lyndsay Sands

  11. Rachel Babbitt

    Usually my reading pile is full of historical romances. For my summer (actually July) historical romance reading I have Mary Balogh’s More Than a Mistress and No Man’s Mistress, Karen Hawkin’s Scandal in Scotland, and Jo Beverly’s Forbidden. I love to read historicals more than anything else!!!!!

    I was recently visiting my mom and she has a Barnes and Noble near her where she picked up the book Patriots…by James Wesley Rawles, and I have started reading it.
    Rachel: Oh this looks good!
    Mom: You can borrow…

    So now I have this at home and am halfway through it. Although I can fly through the romances this is different, Rachel=canreadanything… but it’s nice when I read something I normally wouldn’t choose, and I still enjoy it.

  12. Melissa Porter

    My list is always growing. I dont know if i will find the end of it. But it will keep me going.
    Hearts in Darkness by Laura Kaye
    Graham by Sarah McCarty
    Darkest Highlander by Donna Grant
    Southern Comfort by Mari Carr & Jayne Rylon
    Those are the top four. My list is about two pages long.

  13. Erin

    My eight month old daughter has learned to crawl and cruise. She is very fast! This has put me behind with my TBRs. πŸ™‚

    The PennyRoyal Green series by Julie Anne Long
    Summer Rental by Mary Kay Andrews
    Overbite and Abandon by Meg Cabot
    The Sixth Man by David Baldacci

  14. Sue P.

    Right now this is my pile:
    The Callahan Brothers trilogy by JoAnn Ross
    When You Dare by Lori Foster
    Follow My Lead by Kate Noble
    Nowhere Near Respectable by Mary Jo Putney Ready
    And Able all by Lucy Monroe
    Drop Dead Gorgeous and To Die For by Linda Howard
    Crush On You By Christie Ridgeway
    Then He Kissed Me by Christie Ridgeway
    Veil Of Night by Linda Howard
    Trace of Fever by Lori Foster
    The Rarest Blooms Series by Madeline Hunter
    Almost Home by Mariah Stewart
    Smokin’ Seventeen by Janet Evanovich
    Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn
    Beach Lane by Sheryl Woods
    Devil in Disguise by Stefanie Sloane
    The Naked King by Sally Mackenzie
    And Lord Langley Is Back in Town by you!!

  15. stephannie M.

    Right now I’m reading your very own Mad about the Duke….then
    Lord Langley is back in town
    Just like Heaven- Julia Quinn
    Ten ways to be adored when landing a lord-Sarah MacLean
    Passion-Lauren Kate

    and many more I’m sure!!! Happy Reading πŸ™‚

  16. Vonnie Alto

    Hi Elizabeth,

    It’s so kind of you to give away books from national. Since I wasn’t able to attend, it makes me feel a little better knowing that others are generous with their information and books.

    Here’s my summer to-be read pile:
    — A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES (recommended by an Avon editor)
    — AUNT DIMITY’S CHRISTMAS (Although I’m not keen on reading Xmas books in July, this is the next book in the series)
    — TIMELESS by Alexandra Monir (a YA paranormal)
    — THE WOLVES OF WILLOUGHBY CHASE (A children’s classic which I never read but several months ago, I had a dream about it so I must read it).

    If I can get through these books, I’d like to read more of your books, Julia Quinn, and Stephanie Rowe.

  17. gamistress66

    was just on kick the past couple weeks reading some paranormal & sci-fi but am ready to go back to the pile of historicals that are waiting for me. it includes new ones by patrica rice, lorretta chase, donna fletcher, & jane feather among others as well as some releases & backlist titles for others that I haven’t gotten to yet. the pile seems to grow faster than I can get to it sometimes. of course would help if I didn’t sidetrack & buy other books rather than read what I’ve got πŸ˜‰ but where’s the fun in that πŸ˜€

  18. Jane

    I have several books in Mary Balogh’s Huxtable series in my pile and also Kat Martin’s Season of Strangers.

  19. Emily Tardy

    At the moment I’m reading “Worriors of the Cross” series, before that I read Lauren Dane’s “Giving Chase”. I’m waiting on a Hannah Howell book in the mail, along with a Donna Grant. I’m not sure what books are in my future, but I know that I’ll be reading!

  20. Linda McDonald

    I’m currently re-reading the Harry Potter Series. I love reading them, book after book, totally getting lost in the wizarding world at Hogwarts.

    I have Discovery of Witches on my summer reading list too.

    I just finished a memoir called, “My Year with Eleanor.” It was great. It is a about a woman who got laid off from her job and then decided to spend a year doing thing that scare her. She used Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote, “Do one thing that scares you every day,” and did just that. She also mixes in bits about Eleanor’s life. Really fun read!

  21. emily

    Next up on my list: Gail Carriger’s Heartless.

  22. Isabel Martinez

    Well, i just finished Duchess in Love by Eloisa James, The Darkest Passion, Night Pleasures, The Dream-Hunter, Phantom in the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon, The Darkest Passion by Gena Shawalter. In my to be read pile I have the following:
    The Simply Series by Carly Phillips
    Straight Talk- Jne Green
    The Renegade Hunter-Lynsay Sands
    Full Bloom-Jane Ann Krentz
    Hero at Large- Janet Evanovich
    Full Blast, Full Speed- Janet Evanovich and Charlotte Hughes

  23. June M.

    I have never been able to crochet much in the summer…too hot!

    I am finally getting back into reading more lately. Too hot to do much else. I have recently gotten into paranormals very bad. I have found some series that I have not read but that have numerous books that I am trying to catch up on.

    Thank you so much for sharing your RWA goodies with us…I’m really into paranormals these days, hint, hint if I win! LOL

  24. Tonya

    I absolutely adore the characters you create. Lord Langley’s story had me hooked by the end of the first page! You are an amazing writer. πŸ™‚

    Are you a plotter or a pantser?

  25. infinitieh

    Fun summer reads always include a Jeeves story (by P. G. Wodehouse) or two. The difference this year is that I’m reading it as an ebook.

    Aside from romances of various flavors (historical, paranormal, contemp), I also have many YA books. I may still not get around to “Revolution” by Jennifer Donnelly, but I may read “The Emerald Atlas” by John Stephens.

  26. Audra Holtwick

    Please – i want to win the books I can’t afford to buy because I am getting my kids ready for school{glasses,shots, clothes.braces, supplies.ETC…….}

  27. Jeanne Miro

    #1 on my list is Love Letters from a Duke which I just received today from the publisher!

    Between my TBR pile of books plus the books on my Kindle it’s really hard to pick which ones should come next but they will definately include Anna Campbell’s Midnight’s Wild Desire, A Wedding Wager by Jane Feather, A Most Scandalous Engagement by Gayle Callen and Cloudy With a Chance of Marriage by Kieran Kramer.

    Someone else mentioned Kismet by Monica Burns which I just finished a few days ago and really enjoyed the only problem is I planed on reading a few months ago!

  28. Adelaide Hsu

    =) Just finished devouring the CL Wilson Fading lands series (5 book series).
    Starting on the King of Trones Series, also on my TBR pile Mercedes Lackey–Sleeping Beauty. Also got the new Julia Quinn–Just Like Heaven, also planning on reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.

  29. Caroline Ferguson

    TBR Pile? Wish I had one.. lol Am re-reading everything I can get my hands on currently. Including J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gable series, among others. I got put on kindle and book store restriction by hubby so haven’t gotten anything new in 3 months. lol Heeeeelllppp!!

  30. Winnie Pang

    I have many books in my TBR pile, which I may open any time, depending on my mood. I’m currently reading one of Tess Gerritsen’s Rizzoli and Isles books (The Silent Girl next).

  31. Sarie Grobler

    Oh wow, a box of books!! It is X-mas in July πŸ™‚
    I have a few books on my current TBR pile, currently busy with Lyndsay Sands, Love bites.
    Then I have some of Shiloh Walker, Lara Adrian, Janet Chapman, Susan Mallery and Karen M Mooning also on the pile.
    Thanks for this great give-away!

    • Sarie Grobler

      Oh, and I should not forget to mention the next book on my TBR list, Marked by Elisabeth Naugton πŸ™‚

  32. kelly

    My summer reading list is HUGE. I have historical and contempories on it. SOme of them are: Lord Langley is back in town, Summer at Seaside Cove by Jacquie D’Alessandro, Off Kilter-Donna Kauffman, CHasing the Sun and Heartbreak Creek by Kaki Warner, Tainted by Temptation – Katy Madison, and Awaken the highland Warrior by Anita Clenney

  33. Ora

    I just finished reading An Angel in My Arms by Stephanie Sloane. Can’t wait to read Marlowe’s story now. Also, I can’t wait for Along Came A Duke. I have read all of your books and enjoyed them all. Even though I though I both love and hate exerpts, I can’t wait to read whatever you release for your new book. (I hate them because I feel like it just isn’t enough)

    Love Come to Me Lisa Kleypas
    The Three Graces Series Jennifer Blake
    The Duke and I Julia Quinn
    A Midnight Dance Lila DiPasqua
    One Night for Love Mary Balogh
    Seducing an Heiress Olivia Drake
    The Sinner Who Seduced Me Stephanie Sloane
    Game of Thrones George R R Martin

  34. Karen H in NC

    I’m just picking randomly from my TBR shelves. I’m leaving Wednesday for a few days in MI with my kids. The books I’m taking with me are:
    The Naked King by Sally MacKenzie (reading now)
    Mistress of Pleasure by Delilah Marvelle
    Mastering the Marquess by Vanessa Kelly
    Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn

    Those should keep me occupied for the duration of my trip. When I get back, I really should (shame on me for not having done this earlier) dive into EB Bachelor Chronicles since I have about all of the books in that grouping by now…time to start glomming down!

  35. Delia Daza

    I am right now reading Stephanie Laurens Quartet, I waited to have them all to read them all at once, but I have books by Julia Quinn, the last one (which my daughter is holding hostage LOL) The last from Kathryn Smith is on it’s way to me by UPS and I have a big pile next to my bed but they all stay back when you, Cathy Maxwell, Eloisa James, Karen Hawkins, Gayle Callen, Sabrina Jeffries, Sarah McLean, Stephanie Laurens, Madeline Hunter, Liz Carlyle, have new books out(and I’m sorry if I’m missing some one else but my list is getting longer every day) Then on top of everything I like to read things about Angels and spiritual improvement, natural medicine, so you can imagine my pile, right now I’m concentrating in the Quartet. I have been thinking about reading The Hobbit and since my daughter has it then now it’s also in my pile. You can look at my list in my page in goodreads. Well you only asked for a comment and I wrote a short story LOL I hope I win though πŸ˜‰

  36. Jen Teal

    So my reading list includes:
    Books 5-7 of the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon
    Books 2&3 of her Lord John Series
    Good night Tweetheart by Teressa M.
    and anything else I can get my hands on.

  37. Jeana

    I don’t actually have a summer reading list. I read whatever strikes my fancy when I”m looking through my tbr pile. Right now i’m working my way through some western romances. Who knows what i’ll read next or when i’ll finish these books or if i’ll even finish the one i’m reading now. i may get tired of westerns before that happens…

  38. Melissa Terry

    I am reading Atlantis Rising by Alyssa Day.

    Nantucket Nights by Elin Hilderbrand
    French Lessons by Ellen Sussman
    The Little Woman Letters
    The Graveminder

    and many more. πŸ™‚

  39. Samra Nadeem

    Having graduated in May, in addition to job hunting all I’ve been doing this summer is catching up on reading. Every time I take a trip to the library I come back with a stack of books!
    In fact I went yesterday because they finally had Lord Langley is Back in Town for me on hold yippee! I started it with breakfast today and I had to stop at the scene in the beginning where Lord Langley and Minerva are closeted in her room while the ‘Nannies’ are all set to break down the door to get to their beloved Langley. I was just laughing too hard πŸ˜€

    Next on my reading wish list are:
    Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn
    The Heir by Grace Burrowes
    Silk is for Seduction by Loretta Chase
    The sins of Viscount Sutherland by Samantha James
    Taken by the Prince by Christina Dodd
    Scandal in Scotland by Karen Hawkins
    The Sherlockian by Graham Moore
    … and I just added several of Carol Linden’s books on your recommendation

    Now I’m off to bury my nose in Lord Langley and Minerva’s escapades tee hee …

  40. Nathalie

    Well… I don’t make a TBR-list, because it depresses me: there’s too much I still want to read, lol.

    But I do love series. Right now I’m reading book 4 of the Earth Children series (Jean Auel). When book 6 was published, I’ve started reading the series for the first time and I’m thouroughly hooked!

    And of course I’ve got to read HP7 again too before I see the movie. Hmmm… bad planning on my part, because here in The Netherlands it’s in cinema’s starting tomorrow… bummer πŸ˜‰

  41. Aemelia

    I just started THE SINS OF VISCOUNT SUTHERLAND by Samantha James…and I’ve got the following waiting patiently for me to get to them:

    In paperback I’ve got:
    THE DANGEROUS LORD by Sabrina Jeffries
    KISSING COMFORT by Jo Goodman (man I wish I could find more good Westerns/Americana books)
    JUST LIKE HEAVEN by Julia Quinn

    and on my nook:
    NO LONGER MINE by Shiloh Walker
    SECRETS EXPOSED by Lisa Renee Jones
    SKIN HEAT by Ava Gray

  42. donnas

    My reading pile is constantly changing. I read by mood so its hard to predict what comes up next.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  43. CathyCarter

    If you haven’t read Jennifer Crusie try
    “Welcome to Temptation” and “Faking It”

  44. Karen H

    I was starting on TBR pile and then got an ARC of Blood Hunt by Shannon K Butcher! So I will now be rereading her Sentinal Wars series first. I was very excited to get this and highly recommend this series.

  45. Diana Gould

    I’m reading A Game of Thrones by George R R Martin right now – about half way through. I bought the set of the first four that I’m going to get through this summer. Not my usual genre, but I’m enjoying it.

  46. Leza

    My TBR pile is so big it is starting to take over my extra bedroom! I just finished your Bachelor Chronicles series, loved it. Right now I’m reading Julia Quinn’s Mr. Cavendish I Presume.

  47. PhyllisC

    I couldn’t even begin to list the books in my TBR pile, actually they are in big plastic bins – a lot of them.

    My favorite genre is historical, but there are a few authors who write contemporary that I like.

    I am currently reading Hannah Howell’s Highland Protector and next in the pile by my bed is Adele Ashworth’s The Duke’s Captive.

  48. PhyllisC

    I also tweeted about the giveaway under my name @MamaCrab1.

  49. Misty

    I have many on my pile and on my nook. Awaiting a beach trip so I can enjoy! πŸ™‚

  50. CrystalGB

    I have many books in my tbr pile. I just read Tracy Deebs Tempest Rising and really enjoyed it. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway.

  51. Michele Stegman

    Enough books? Is there such a thing? Next up is a Lori Foster book.

  52. Duchess in Denim

    My to be read pile is enormous!!! I also have Discovery of Witches in my Kindle mix, my sister highly recommended it to me. I’m excited about the new Meredith Duran, Olivia Parker and Kate Noble. There are a couple coming out next Tuesday that are going to put a dent in my quarterly budget too!

  53. Rose May

    I have 104 books in my TBR pile, and it keeps growing! Every time I read a book, I seem to add 3 more to the heap!
    This summer I’m reading all of Madeline Hunter’s delicious novels (with the absolutely gorgeous covers!) and some paranormals like Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison, J.R.Ward’s Blackdagger Brotherhood, and Angel’s Blood by Nalini Singh.
    Silk is for Seduction is also on my TBR list. I love Loretta Chase, and have been slowly devouring her backlist. Same with Lori Foster, though I’m practically through her backlist! Happy Reading!

  54. Maryp

    Can never have too many books to read in a summer!! πŸ˜€
    P.S. I still always think of you as “ElizBo” from the old Avon Authors forum

  55. Linda

    I splurged massively a couple of mths back & my TBR list is pages long; but that’s my idea of heaven.
    The 1s I’m most looking forward to reading are:
    Heiress in Love (Christina Brooke),
    Silk is for Seduction (Loretta Chase),
    How to Seduce a Scoundrel (Vicky Dreiling)
    Graceling (Kristin Cashore)
    Sin Undone ( Larissa Ione)

    I bought Lord Langley is back in town but it was confiscated. I’m totally devastated. I love your books.

  56. Moriah

    I’ve got a bunch of historicals, but am especially looking forward to the new Jennifer Ashley book the Many Sins of Lord Cameron



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