Somewhere in the last few weeks, I’ve lost my knitting mojo. This has not happened to me in years. Like probably lots of years. But I haven’t picked up my needles for a week and I can’t seem to find the mojo to get motivated to finish the projects I have patiently waiting for me.
I would be worried if this hadn’t happened before. It used to be that I would knit from September to about the end of May and then pack it all up, garden, play and enjoy the long summer days that are a Seattle staple. I mean it gets light at about 4:00 in the morning and isn’t dark ’til nearly 10. You can just live outside in the sunlight—when the clouds and rain don’t obscure it, but that is a subject for another blog. But this summer knitting malaise hasn’t hit in years so I am sort of at a loss as to why it has hit—and I’d be in a tizzy over it if I could work up a real tizzy over missing it.
But I can’t, ’cause that is what happens when you lose your mojo.
If anyone doubts that I’ve really lost it, consider this: I went to New York—which has some of the best yarn shops in the world and didn’t set foot in one of them. I even walked past the doorway of a shop that I’ve always wanted to go see. Walked. Right. Past. Come September, I’ll kick myself over this, but right now? Not so much.
That doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to do with my spare time—I’ve been picking berries, making jam, tending my flowers, going to the beach with the kids, and of course, writing when I can find a spare moment or a babysitter. The husband has a remodeling project that he’s getting amped up to do, and there is a family reunion on the horizon. Though none of those things offer that end of the day bit of zen that knitting gives, so I can feel the tug, just not enough to compel me to pick up the needles. Besides, there are robins outside calling and a sunset to watch, so I just find a different sort of occupation for that end of the day silent sorting out that a few rows of knit and purl can provide.
And I have to suspect that I am not alone in my summer-interruptus.
So I have to ask, does anyone else have something they love dearly, a daily practice, that sort of fades to the back of the closet come summer?
I enjoy sewing and during the summer I lose the mojo. It tends to come back when the Pacific Northwest rains hit (I live in the Portland metro area). When the weather is warm and I see the yellow orb in the sky – I am aware of the sun’s fleeting appearance and the scant summer warmth and forget about sewing.
It seems like we have barely gotten a summer here this year and already it like summer is slipping away.
Agreed! But oh, what a lovely summer it is when the sun comes out.