Too Much!

Oct 19, 2011 | Adventures & Travel, Writing

I cannot believe how swamped I am. I finished my book, for goodness sakes, I should have a life. But ever since I hit the send button I have been in frantic catch up mode.

‘Cept with this blog. And since I am off to the Surrey International Writer’s conference in Surrey, BC (I think it sounds so cool to be able to say, “I am going out of the country,” even if it is only two hours north of my house). I am not making any promises that I won’t go all fan girl on Elizabeth George—whose writing I have admired for years. And I always love hearing what Donald Maass has to say. And I am going to sneak in and listen to what Bob Mayer because everyone says his workshops are incredible.

I hardly ever get to “go” to a conference and since writing is a craft, I never turn down an opportunity to refine my own—that and I just love learning—especially when it comes from writers I truly admire and respect.

And then I have to speak, which is probably why I’ve been so frantic. I have to give two talks, sit on a panel, and take part in Blue Pencil chats. Have no idea what those are, but as long as we don’t have to pick sides and use hockey sticks, I’m game!

Will try to post pics over on Facebook and will be making reports all weekend long via Twitter. ‘Cause I am totally addicted and it is like having a gossipy BFF at your side 24/7. Have a great week and a fun weekend.

E the Adventure Bound.


  1. Jo

    Congrats on finishing! I hope you have a fantastic (and safe) trip! I’m looking forward to seeing pictures and updates from the conference.

  2. Amy Valentini

    Elizabeth, Congrats on finishing the book – always a good thing and have fun on your trip ‘out of the country’! I’m sure you’ll do great. Looking forward to hearing all about it. : )

  3. Linda McDonald

    Congrats on finishing your book and have a great time at the conference. I have heard Bob Mayer speak at a few conferences and yes, he is great.



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