Have You Met: Avon Addict Heather Cover?

Oct 10, 2014 | What's New, Around the Web, Elizabeth's Favorites, Friends, Good News, TV, Movies, & Good Reads

You all are going to know immediately why I want you to meet Heather, from Fun-Size Reads. She’s a “librarian, a blogger, a knitter, a total geek and an unabashed romance reader.” Her words. But each one of them near and dear to my heart. We are probably sisters separated at birth.

After 18+ years of talking about books for work (the absolute best part of her job, she says,) she created Fun-Size Reads, a book review blog so she could share her passion for books with all of us. She also reviews for the School Library Journal. She says she will read just about anything, but her favorites (besides romance) are paranormal/fantasy stories, mysteries, and teen lit. When she’s not reading, you’ll find her curled up with an episode of Doctor Who, her latest knitting project, and a glass of scotch.

1) Do you immediately start another book once you finished one? I usually have at least two going at once, but yes, I totally start a new book as soon as I finish one. My to-read pile (physical and on Goodreads) is so long that if I don’t keep reading I’ll never catch up!

2) What is the very first romance novel that you read? I can’t remember titles, but my first introduction to romantic fiction was a box of Harlequin’s my friend’s mother was selling at their yard sale. There were probably 40 or 50 titles, all the slender, tame titles from the 1980’s. Since I was only in 6th grade or so, my friend’s mom called my mother to make sure it was okay for me to read them, then she just gave them to me. I devoured those books in about two weeks, and have been reading romance ever since.

tardis3) If you could time travel, what time period would you most like to visit? I would love to hear the arguments and negotiations of the meetings with the signers of the Declaration of Independence. It had to be interesting, and much more colorful than the dry history I’ve read. (I would, of course, be doing this time travel with the Doctor.)

4) What is the most embarrassing song/app on your ipod. I am not embarrassed about any of my crazy musical choices! I have everything from classic Sesame Street and Disney songs to today’s pop hits to the country songs I loved as a teen. I get some odd looks when I hit shuffle, though.

5) Name three books on your keeper shelf and why.

  • Robin McKinley’s The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown were my first taste of fantasy, and every time I read them I can’t put them down.
  • I’ve fallen hard for the bad boys of Laura Kaye’s Hard Ink series, and I’m keeping these to reread every time she publishes a new installment.
  • Finally, Carla Swafford‘s Circle of Deception novels, because the characters, even the secondary and minor characters, are incredibly interesting…and sexy. I realize this is a lot more than three books, but it is only three authors…

You can find Heather around the web:
On her blog: Fun-Size Reads
Find what else is on her TBR at: Goodreads


  1. Brooke Bumgardner

    Hi Heather! So nice to “meet” you. 🙂 I’m a fellow addict and I work as a library clerk – since I love romance as well, we’ve got a lot in common. 😉

  2. Carla Swafford

    Aww! Thanks, Heather! Hugs. Great interview, Elizabeth.


  1. Have You Met: Avon Addict Heather Cover? - […] After 18+ years of talking about books for work (the absolute best part of her job, she says,) she…



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