5 Things with Sabrina Jeffries

Dec 30, 2014 | This & That

New York Times bestselling author Sabrina Jeffries is visiting today, to play our Five Questions game. Her reworked Deborah Martin novel Silver Deceptions hits stores today, and the cover is just gorgeous! Welcome to the blog, Sabrina…

Sabrina_SD_Cover1) Did you have a nickname growing up?

Sadly, yes. My dad called me Debbity-Dog. Deputy Dog was a favorite cartoon in our house.

2) Where is the most beautiful/romantic place you’ve ever been?

The most beautiful was the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia, where my family used to vacation. Mountains plus rainforest were the winning combo.

3) How do you pick the names of your Heroes/Heroines?

I use a book called The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names. I just thumb through it until I find one I like.

4) Do you celebrate when you finish a book and what you do?

I do celebrate. I eat pizza and do a jigsaw puzzle. And occasionally margaritas are involved.

5) Print or ebook?


You can find Sabrina on her website Facebook, or Twitter. Or check out Silver Deceptions here.

1 Comment

  1. Margaret Transue

    I really enjoyed the questions and answers; I learned many things that would not have thought to ask but loved the answers. Thank you.



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