Intentional Writing

Jan 6, 2017 | This & That

I’m struck by this word of late: Intentional. The definition is quite clear: done on purpose.

intentional-20So I find myself asking this question over and over. What is my intention here? What is my purpose? Will my actions at this moment lead me closer to my intentions?

I suppose as a writer, I’ve done this forever, because this is at the very heart of storytelling. What is the intention of this tale? What do I want the reader to learn with this story? What journey of discovery do I want take them along? What am I intentionally doing with my word choices, my characters, my plot?

I don’t think it matters what you are writing: a novel, short story, poem, blog post, or even a private journal entry that only you will ever see — all of these words have purpose, an intention. And to make the most of those words, focus your thoughts, your ideas on that purpose. With story telling, it might be asking yourself what you hope to accomplish with this scene. With a blog, what do you want the reader to take away, do, or accomplish once they read your words.

So whatever your course, whether it be writing or your daily choices, think about your intentions. Then take a deep breath and see the course before you, asking one simple question: What do I intend today?

As the answer forms, follow that path.


  1. Tai

    Great encouraging post! Asking those questions is super helpful every moment! Thank you!

  2. peggy clayton

    I was looking for a post on jan 9th when your newsletter said that someone who reads the newsletter would win 25.00 amazon cards but I don’t see one.



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