Welcome to Friday. Hope your week has been a calm spot in all the currents of our world. My mother is in lockdown at her assisted living (again) and Thanksgiving is off the table. Well, it will be on the table, just not the table with all the leaves and the card tables tucked around the living room.

Things will not be easy in the weeks to come, but if we are all careful, all masked, all taking precautions, (not hoarding toilet paper!) we’ll ensure full tables for all next Thanksgiving.

Also, when I recommend books, if they are just out of the budget or your reach, please try your public library. I’m a huge fan of mine, which is doing curbside pickup right now. I tend to try new to me authors first via the public library. I figure that’s what my tax dollars are for. More books. 😉

Have a safe and blessed week.


Reading: I’m currently halfway through All the Ways We Said Goodbye by the dynamic writing trio of Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig and Karen White. I read one of the other books they’ve co-written, The Forgotten Room and loved it, and am devouring this most recent addition.

Set in the 60s, World War II and World War around the famous Ritz Hotel in Paris, All the Ways We Said Goodbye is an engaging twined story of love, mystery and betrayal. Add it to the TBR.


Dinner: I love dinners that are quick and easy and fills up the boys in the house. Ree Drummond’s Pioneer Woman recipes often fit the bill. I love this one for Simple Fried Porkchops from her Dinnertime cookbook (it can also be found on her website.) Nummy and easy.


More Dinner: Well, since I mentioned it, this is about the most used cookbook in my cupboard, The Pioneer Woman, Dinnertime. The Porkchops, the Chicken Potpies, the potatoes. Oh, the Breakfast Potatoes!! Salads, desserts, sides. I haven’t hit anything in here that the family didn’t love. If you love cookbooks and cookng, this is one to add to the collection.


Craft: Are you looking for a quick and easy gift for a baby? I’ve lost count of how many of these Baby Surprise Jackets by Elizabeth Zimmerman, I’ve knit, but quite a few. I love this pattern and am almost more excited when someone announces a baby coming that I get to knit another one. (No, I am excited about the baby, but I do adore knitting these.)

This sweater is so popular, there are over 29,000 listed projects on Ravelry.You can find the pattern in either of Elizabeth Zimmerman’s seminal knitting books, Knitting Workshop or The Opinionated Knitter.

Personally, I just think it is cute as the dickens. And now off to a brand new 2020 baby.


Reading: If you live in Seattle, November is reading season. Dark days, early nights, and cold and wet outside. Perfect reading weather. 😉 So when I saw, A Lady’s Guide to Mischief and Mayhem by Manda Collins arriving on the shelves this week, I ordered a copy. Manda is a delightful and witty romance writer, so I know I’ll enjoy it, and the premise looks great—a Victorian murder mystery and romance—an adult Enola Holmes.

Yes, I am still going on about Enola Holmes.

I have A Lady’s Guide to Mischief and Mayhem downloaded on my Kindle and can’t wait to settle in to devour it. Goodness knows it’s raining enough.

There you have it. An armload of books and something to knit. I call that a perfect weekend.





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