Five Things For Friday + A Live Event Today

Mar 12, 2021 | Elizabeth's Favorites, Friends, TV, Movies, & Good Reads, Five Things

So, I’ve been absent for a bit. From my heart, I’ve missed all of you.

First it was the holidays, and then it was January. And then I had foot surgery. And now, I am finally walking again — hurrah!! — and ready to get back to sending out newsletters once more.

And thank you to everyone who has written in the meantime to politely ask me to get going again. And a special thanks to those who nagged. You know who you are and you are loved. 😉

Coming back here is also out of a sense that we are all struggling as we go this one year anniversary week since everything got upended. We are tired, tired, tired of all this, and we need our friends, our comforts, and delightful distractions more than ever. Let’s hang in there together.

So what have I been collecting since mid-December? The usual. Books, binging delights, and of course, things to eat.


TODAY &mdash, yes, Today, Friday March 12th at 6pm EST — I am part of a live panel on YouTube discussing Wallflowers in Romance. Joining me are the delightful Cat Sebastian, Lenora Bell, and Stacy Reid. It should be a real kick. Join us on here.


I have been dying to share this book since I read it last fall. I’m not gonna lie, advance copies are one of my favorite parts of being an author. And Band of Sisters, which came out this week, is a delight to read. It has that cozy warmth of Call of the Midwife and all the strength of perseverance in friendship. Lauren Willig‘s fine writing and emotional core are here in this delightful story of a group of Smith College graduates who went to France during World War I.


With it being St. Patrick’s Day next week, well, of course I’ll be making this Irish Soda Bread. I make it every year and don’t know why I don’t make it more often. But the best part of it — having it for breakfast toasted. Nummy.

So are you a currants in your soda bread person? Raisins? Caraway seeds? Carrying around grandma’s recipe from the old country? Do tell.

Photo credit: Elise Bauer, Simply Recipes


Not enough books for you? I found this blog post, 15 Immersive Historical Fiction Books About Overlooked Events on Modern Mrs. Darcy the other day. I’m not one for clicking on these “27 Times Celebrities…” or “18 Ways to Get Your Spouse to…” but 15 books? That’s my catnip and click bait.

P.S. I loved this one:


I know I’ve gone on and on about Instagram before, but I have been finding the best books from book bloggers there — it’s become my favorite place to find new authors and books. Looking for some great bloggers/booklovers to follow? Try: @plottrysts, @thehistoricalshelf or maybe, @miss_melissalee. Pretty, pretty book pictures and lot’s to discover. You can find me there at @elizboyle.

Maybe you recognize this stepback from a book you might have read…. Since it is Friday, I won’t make you work too hard, it’s Love Letters From a Duke.

Photo credit: @miss_melissalee

Have a great weekend! Please, continue to wear that mask — it saves lives.


  1. Nancy Heller

    Thank you for bringing these back. I am one of your fans who missed you these past few months. My birthday was yesterday, so I am considering this a birthday present…you lift my spirits and feed my soul.
    I do hope you are feeling better. There is a quietness to your letter that makes me think you are still in some pain.
    I will make an Irish Soda Bread, for the 20 years my family spent in Northern Ireland after being tossed out of Scotland. I’m just grateful they all were not killed.

    • Elizabeth

      Nancy, I didn’t see this until today-but thank you for your kind words. I am really back on my feet finally and am walking without pain, so it has been a long road, but I am happily recovered.



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