News & Newsworthy

Adventures & Travel

Oh, Naughty Me

I recently got a copy of Naughty Paris,  A Lady's Guide to the Sexy City by Heather Stimmler-Hall, and had a great time, if only from the comfort of my couch, designing the perfect naughty visit to Paris.  Now this is not Rick Steves travel, or the kind of trip you'd...

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Speed Dating, Scotsmen, Let's Talk Live

So I had an interesting evening the other night. I went to the third annual (at least I think this is the third year) of the Librarian Meet & Greet which is in conjunction with the Emerald City Writer's Conference. Don't ask me how the conference was, as I didn't...

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If you had the choice . . .

between a Chrysler Sebrise and Ford Mustang at the rental counter (for the same price, mind you) which would you choose?  Yeah, I thought so. Man, did this ride rock.  Realize, I spend most of my days behind the wheel of a minivan, with one kid with a penchant for car...

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Is it Tuesday, Already?

Okay, I'm a little out of it.  The quick trip to Portland, combined with coming down with a fierce head cold Friday night after the signing and not sleeping at all (is there anything worse than having a great hotel room and not being able to enjoy a peaceful night's...

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Want an Autographed Copy? Order From Powells Today!

Powell's Books in Beaverton is having their second Rose City Romance event next Friday, September 19th and I am thrilled to get to go join the crowd! If you live in the greater Portland area, please drop by, ask questions, take pictures, and get autographs . . . . oh...

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My Conference Excess is Your Gain

(Please note that this contest ended on August 25th.  But please visit my contest page to win other fun prizes!) When you go to the RWA conference there is a ton of free stuff to pick up. Everywhere. Books, bookmarks, pens, pencils, publisher's tchotchkes, and more...

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