News & Newsworthy

Adventures & Travel

I Wasn't the Only One

I've found myself having a hard time coming down from the conference this week. I just didn't want the fun and energy to stop. To prolong the love, I've been reading everyone else's posts about the SF RWA conference and thought I'd share them, along with extending my...

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Linkage, Reminders and a Contest

I'm a little rushed this week as I get ready to go to the Romance Writers of America conference in San Francisco, so here are some quick links for all of you that I thought I would share. If you are going to the conference, then check out these: 1) Map of the area....

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Okay, another book is done. Pippin and Dash have their story. And I am no longer chained to my office and computer. I've spent the last few days blinking owlishly at the world and of course, shopping for RWA's national conference in San Francisco next week. Shoes, a...

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Travel the World with Diane

This week I've asked my dear friend, Diane O'Neal to blog about her life and experiences. She's a regular reader here and posts quite often, so you might "know" her, but since she lives, what I humbly think of, a most extraordinary life, I wanted all of you to get to...

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To Book Expo and Back

I went down to Book Expo last week. Actually, I went to Disneyland with the kids and the DH and snuck out Sunday morning to do Book Expo. Book Expo is the publishing trade show where publishers, book folks, booksellers, librarians and all sorts of book related...

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