News & Newsworthy

Adventures & Travel

What Does 4500 Miles in a Car Look Like?

Like the car has never been detailed. Enough bug carnage on the front bumper to make an entomologist jealous. And by the exhausted smiles on the faces of four happy Boyles, like they'd just had the trip of their lives. For three weeks, we camped, hiked, swam and...

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On a little vacation

Turned in my book two weeks ago and promised the family some summer Fun away from work. So I might seem a little absent, but I will be back very soon with lot's to share very soon. Hope you are all enjoying a little summer fun.

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My GLEE inspired RWA Conference Tips

Hey, I'm not going to Orlando for the Romance Writers of America conference next week. I hadn't planned on going when it was in Nashville, and as I told my editor, I had no desire trade a swamped hotel in Nashville for a hotel in a swamp. But then again, after nearly...

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What to Pack

I have a friend who when she goes away, has her suitcase packed a good two weeks ahead of time. That has always seemed a little too much fore-planning for me, but at the same time I admire her certainty. She knows exactly what she needs and what she is wearing and in...

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Three Reasons to Love Portland

After a week in Portland and my second visit down there this year, can I just say, I love Portland? I've gone back and forth for years on my own, for booksignings, PLA, reader's conferences and the wonderful luncheon the Rose City Romance chapter puts on each spring....

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Taken Unawares

Every week I take my son Matthew to speech therapy and when we come home we drive through this neighborhood that runs alongside the freeway and take this little off-ramp out of nowhere up onto I-5. All spring, as I've driven up this ramp,  I've watched a plant growing...

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