I love the Ripped Bodice's annual Summer Romance Bingo! What a fun way to find new titles and authors and just, well, READ. But I also love adding to people's squares and TBRs, so might I suggest if you are looking for ways to fill the following squares, I've got you...
The Standon Widows
The Standon Widows
Countdown to 20 Sometimes books just belong together, and these three, HOW I MET MY COUNTESS #13, MAD ABOUT THE DUKE #14, LORD LANGLEY IS BACK IN TOWN #15, isn't so much three separate stories but one large bit of inspiration, connected by a web of links to so many of...
$4.99 Digital Sale!
Have you heard? Thirteen of my digital backlist romance novels are on sale for $4.99! This gives you a chance to pick up an old favorite or fill in a series that you haven't finished yet. Hurry and download yours soon in your favorite format: One Night of Passion...
Autographed Books
Just a quick note to let those of you who live in far flung (and probably some not-so-far-flung) that I never seem to visit, the bookstore, Turn the Page, where I will be signing this Friday is also having a virtual signing—which means, if you order one of my...
Lord Andrew
Every once in a while, I come to a place in a book where I need an unexpected character. Someone I wasn't planning on. Usually I have all my characters mapped into the outline, names picked and they wait in the wings until their curtain comes up. Then a story will...
A Full Weekend
This weekend was such a whirl. Trip to Portland, a booksigning, come home and then over Puget Sound to Silverdale for the last signing. I can't believe how fast the time went. But I thought you might like to see some pictures from all these adventures. Powells Julia...