News & Newsworthy


The Rush is On

Or, perhaps I should have named this post, What Was I Thinking? In the next few weeks I need to get all the Christmas shopping done. Cook Christmas dinner. Get all the stuff that has to be done for the arrival of How I Met My Countess on December 29th wrapped up and...

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Refreshing the Well

Needless to say, this hasn't been the easiest year for me, but I finally feel like I've found my feet again. (I am so Irish, that as I wrote that, I thought to myself, "oh, you've gone and cursed yourself now.") Curses aside, I ended up having to cancel a lot of...

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I read an email from a life coach recently where he was discussing how we as human beings spend too much time ruminating about our past and not moving on. He urged those of us who read his advice to move out of the world of "should'a, could'a, would'as" and move...

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Oh, the Power . . .

Imagine me rolling my hands together, my eyes glazed over with a madness over my own inflated worth . . . or just see me laughing that I actually had more say in something than I ever thought possible. You see as an author, you build a career slowly. And from the very...

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My RWA National Conference

Was spent at home. Sorry to dupe you, but when I got pneumonia I had to cancel all my travel plans. So this past week and weekend I would have been in Washington DC. Considering how much I was looking forward to conference in DC, I was surprised that after I canceled...

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The New Series

Here is the problem:  I come up with an idea for a new series, propose it, Avon loves it, and I start writing. Of course, the last book in the previous series is well into production, somewhere off doing what books do once they leave the safety of the author's nest....

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