News & Newsworthy

A Short Story about A Short Story

Several years ago I was asked to be part of a Regency anthology — could I write a story that was under 10,000 words? Sure, I said, without thinking much about it. 10,000 words, eh? That would be simple. Thus said the woman who always writes long. Writing a full...

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Five Things about Kate Noble

I have met Kate—like most of my writing friends—online. Via blogs and Twitter and Facebook, but the real test of an author is how you like their stories. Hers are great. So if you haven't met her before, here are Five Things About Kate Noble. 1. Did you...

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Redefining a Classic

"It's a Brazen cover." You don't know how many times in my career I have heard another writer describe their cover, or someone else's as "a Brazen cover." The look is now iconic, but in 1996, the cover for Brazen Angel was a brand new take on covers—the tousled...

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Five Things About Sophia Nash

I want to be Sophia Nash when I grow up. Lovely, elegant and gracious. I try, but she seems to do these things effortlessly. So please welcome my friend, Sophia Nash. 1. Did you have a nickname growing up? Only later in life... First, "Fear" from colleagues at WTVJ,...

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Philly Love

I have found a new favorite city. Philadelphia. For this self-confessed history geek, what is there not to love about a city that not only embraces its historical roots and significance but shows it off at every corner? Love, love, love, Philadelphia! I was there for...

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Five Things About Lorraine Heath

Lorraine Heath is one of those authors who's books you curl up and devour, and adore. In real life, Lorraine is one of those gracious, treasured people that you want to have coffee with and just chat. She's kind and lovely and generous. And therefore, she needs to be...

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