News & Newsworthy

Historical Romance Author

Five Things for Friday

Yikes! I've been "gone" for the last two weeks "at" conferences. All at home and on Zoom, as one does these days, but that doesn't mean I had a minute to spare. Because, as every woman juggling home, family and life right now knows, being home just complicates it all....

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Five Things for Friday

Yikes! I absolutely forgot to send anything out last week. But in my defense, I had picked 50 lbs of strawberries and was, well, rather up to my ears in making jam. We now have all the jam. And strawberry preserves. Syrup. And sauce. LOL. So that leads to me the first...

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5 Things with Rose Lerner

Today Rose Lerner has dropped by to share some interesting tidbits about herself with us. Rose is the author of several Regency romances. Her latest is True Pretenses, just out on the 13th, in which a philanthropist heiress agrees to marry a Jewish con artist to get...

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