Getting Festive

Dec 12, 2011 | Giveaways, Freebies, & Contests, Good News, Holidays

First things first. Winners. We’ve got two this week. I love sending these out but at the holidays it is just sort of special. So claim them early so if you have a moment to spare, you’ll have a brand new pile of books to pick from!

The first winner is blog post #21, Betty Hamilton, who posted on December 5, 2011 at 9:35 AM and said:

What a wonderful Christmas present winning this would be!! I plan on doing a lot of Christmas cookie baking this week!
Merry Christmas!!! and TY for the contests!

I hope Betty baked extra for me. LOL.

And my second winner is Twitter poster, ToryMichaels who tweeted her contest entry on December 6th.

Betty and Tory, please Contact me and let me know your address and I’ll get your boxes off to you this week.

For those of you who didn’t win, how about this: my favorite quick candy recipe. It makes tons, everyone loves them and they make a great hostess gift or anyone gift. Piled on a plate, or a handful in a cellophane bag is awesome.

Crispy Peanut Butter Cups

2 cups of creamy peanut butter
1 stick of melted butter

Mix in a large bowl:
2 cups powdered sugar
3 cups of Rice Krispies

Pour the peanut butter/butter combination over the Rice Krispies and sugar and mix well. Form into small balls and put into paper cups.

Melt together:
1 1/2 pounds of chocolate Almond Bark
1 1/2 cups of creamy peanut butter

Spoon the melted chocolate mixture over the cups to cover the Rice Krispie mixture and let set.

Enjoy! And if chocolate isn’t your thing, what about a new color Nook? Make sure you’ve entered my Contest to win. The drawing is next week!

Got a quick and easy candy recipe to share? Post it below!


  1. Jinny Kirby Baxter

    While I have yet to win a thing, I do win a lot of information and fun! The cookies sound wonderful and I’m on a cookie making roll! Thanks!

  2. gamistress66

    I always leave the candy making to others, but am willing to help with making it disappear 😉

  3. Mary Frances Samec

    Just reading the recipes makes me gain weight.
    But great eating to keep me company with some hot chocolate and one of your books.
    Merry Christmas!!!

  4. Penney Wilfort

    Thank you for the recipes! My 2 teen girls love making candy for Christmas

  5. jennie reyna

    nullgoing to try your Crispy Peanut butter cups, sounds easy to make and delicious. thank you the easier the better during the very besy holiday season:)

  6. charlotte Skipper

    Would love to win and enjoy one of your books at the same time!!

    • Elizabeth

      LOL! I love these subtle hints.

  7. Aretha zhen

    Hi Elizabeth ! It’s really nice to talk w you. Happy holiday

  8. eli yanti

    our favorite and easy recipe when holiday is cornflake cashew nut chocolate

    – cornflake
    – chocolate bar
    – cashew nut
    – mini colour candy

    melted the chocolate, put and mixed the cornflake and cashew nut (cut into small piece) and put it on the cup (a small cup that special for pastry or mini cake or other) then sprinkled the mini colour candy, wait till the chocolate cool and harden. after then you can arranged them in a beutiful jar 😉



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