Five Things about Debra Mullins

Dec 15, 2011 | Friends

Debra Mullins is another of my Avon Author sisters. Someone I have known for as long as I’ve been writing at Avon. Let’s not count the years . . . really, let’s not. LOL. But I always love the chance to see Debra and find out what she’s been up to.

What I truly envy about Debra is her work ethic which has her doing both writing full time and working full time. She is one dedicated writer. And apparently one who was willing to fall on the Five Things sword!

So here are Five Things About Debra Mullins:

1. Did you have a nickname growing up? Motor Mouth. As you can see, I have taken my penchant for communication and made it work for me through writing.

2. Where is the most beautiful/romantic place you’ve ever been?
The island of Hawaii. Absolutely stunning—not a bad view anywhere you look. We even took a picture from a Walmart parking lot.

3. If you could go on a date with any superhero, who would you choose and why? I’m torn here. On the one hand I am a long time fan of the “Lois & Clark” TV show, and if Superman was Dean Cain, there would be no contest. (Shout out to all the FoLCs out there!) However, I must admit to having a fondness for X-Men’s Gambit. He’s so smooth with the ladies, and I LOVE the accent.

EB: I’ve got to admit a fondness for that accent.

4. If you were not writing, what job would you have? Probably the one I have now: technical support. Though I’ve been doing my family tree for the past year or so and sometimes fantasize about being a professional genealogist.

5. Print or ebook? I am a convert: ebook. It cuts down on the clutter in my house, and therefore, I end up buying more books!

Debra Mullins is bringing back a number of her early classic romances, including Once a Mistress, which is available now. You can learn more about Debra and her books, at her website.

1 Comment

  1. eli yanti

    never read debra mullins’s book before but love to try to read once a mistress 😉



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