A Scandalous Price

Aug 21, 2012 | The Bachelor Chronicles, What's New, Elizabeth's Books, Good News

Avon loves to pick out a few ebooks each month and offer them at the crazy, ridiculous price of $1.99. So this month you can get one of my favorites, Memoirs of a Scandalous Red Dress for just $1.99.

This was the book everyone wanted me to write–Pippin and Dash’s book. Their first meeting in This Rake of Mine, on a smuggler’s beach, caused quite the stir. I got email after email after email, all saying the same thing: Write Pippin and Dash’s book. I also got one letter that scolded me for having a young girl of 15 being kissed.

But didn’t we all dream of being kissed like that at 15? By a truly bad boy. Kissed so our toes curled up in our shoes and we never, ever forgot it?

I took my time getting to their story–there were other books to write first: Love Letters from a Duke, Confessions of a Little Black Gown. Then I sat down to write their story. And I knew two things–I hadn’t told the entire story of their past encounters and their love story would be one of second chances found. This book encompasses their 20 years of trying to find a way to be together. And since it is a romance, I don’t think you need to be told how it ends.

Get Memoirs of a Scandalous Red Dress in your favorite format for only $1.99.

· Kindle from Amazon
· Nook from Barnes and Noble
· Kobo e-readers
· Sony e-readers
Read an excerpt






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