A week to Christmas? Egads! I'd be really panicked if it was a usual year—big dinner to plan. Family arriving from around the country. And getting those last minute gifts done. But this year? Just trying to finish two knitting projects. That's it. We all have people...
The Bachelor Chronicles
Summer Romance Bingo
I love the Ripped Bodice's annual Summer Romance Bingo! What a fun way to find new titles and authors and just, well, READ. But I also love adding to people's squares and TBRs, so might I suggest if you are looking for ways to fill the following squares, I've got you...
Confessions of A Little Sale
Hey folks, just a quick note to let you know that the ebook of Confessions of a Little Black Gown is on sale right now for $1.99. Yes, you got that right, $1.99! Can I say that this cover still makes my heart beat faster. I just LOVE this cover. And the heroine,...
Who Said It? Ups the Game
You all have had it way too easy. Time to up the Who Said It? game. “…and now that he is inclined to marry—“ “I don’t think the earl has any intention of—" “Of course he intends to marry. He made his bow at Almack’s.” Which of course every matron in London knew was...
Did You Guess Who Said It?
So who said the following: “You lied,” she said, going toe-to-toe with the man before her. “You told me he still loved me, wanted me.” She glanced over her shoulder and shuddered at the sight of him. “What he wants is a good bath and his ration of rum tossed...
Another Round of Who Said It?
This one is probably pretty easy for you diehard fans, but I just love these lines. So, Who Said It? “You lied,” she said, going toe-to-toe with the man before her. “You told me he still loved me, wanted me.” She glanced over her shoulder and shuddered at the sight of...