Just in time for the weekend—Five Things. Enjoy!


First of all, thank you to each and every one of you who email me with your ideas and kind words—I so appreciate hearing from you. And last week, Robin B. emailed me about one of her favorite Etsy vendors, Mashalaurence.

Thank you so much for sharing this link, Robin, because I was entranced by these gorgeous literary prints, such as this one of Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester. Isn’t it amazing? Go check out the other wonderful Bronte and Jane Austen inspired art.

Print by MashLaurence


Can I share my vaccine joy? My parents are vaccinated now, and I am as well, so in the last week, I had my first visit in 13 months into my mom’s apartment. She and I nearly wept as we got to do that simple ordinary thing of having a cup of coffee and catching up.

Next up, I am planning on going to see my Dad in Oregon, because I haven’t seen him since March 4th of last year—when we snapped this picture of our feet on the beach.

It was one of those odd ball Spring days in the Pacfic Northwest when the weather pretends to be summer and we decided to go to the Coast from his home in Roseburg. I’ve looked back on this photo so many times over the last year and thought of that perfect day with my dad and my sons. Do you have a picture that has carried you through?


A while back, I was buying Taco Seasoning and happened to look at the package ingredients (right after I looked at the price) and had a big moment of clarity. Half the stuff in the package I couldn’t pronounce and the other half I had on my shelf at home. How hard could it be to make my own?

Since then I have been making this out of my own cupboard: Taco Seasoning

I use it in all kinds of things—stuffed green peppers, fish, chicken, anything that needs a little kick and of course, tacos. Happy mixing.


I know I’ve recommended Lois McMaster Bujold’s Chalion books, (at least I hope I have) and lately have been working my way through the Penric novellas. If you haven’t read her, you can give them a try starting with Penric’s Demon. Sometimes a novella is just the sort of read you need, and Desdemona, Penric’s demon cracks me up every time.


I’m usually happily a homebody, but lately I’ve been getting that travel bug like most of us are—to go somewhere new. So I’ve started a travel bucket list and one of the top spots? Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas.

I love looking for things, and finding a diamond? Wow! Actually I found a diamond ring once on the beach! I also found the owner as well and got a big reward which was huge for a ten year old. Clearly I have diamond hunting in my blood.

Has anyone been there? And what is on your list?

Happy armchair travels! Looking forward to the day when we can all meet up at events again.


  1. Nancy Heller

    I worked as an optician for Walmart for the last 10 years of my career. They were the only place I could get a job after being sick and unable to work for about 5 years. At that time I was 59. Anyway, the reason I bring this up is the corp. headquarters is in Bentonville,AR and they have built a new
    If you are going to Arkansas, and are anywhere close, you might want to check it out. Hugs

    • Elizabeth

      Am adding that to the list! thank for the travel tip.



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