News & Newsworthy

Around the Web

Samantha James's List of Favorite Romantic Movies

Samantha James is back today to talk about her all time favorite romantic movies. Pop some corn, settle in and let the debate begin, because here is Samantha's list: Elizabeth tells me a lot of her readers here are movie buffs. Well, I am, too. Good movies are like...

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Meet My Friend . . . Samantha James

 As promised, I would like to introduce you to my friend, Samantha James.  She was kind enough to let me bug her with questions about her writing and her new book, Bride of a Wicked Scotsman, and then I even roped her into blogging on Thursday as well. That's what...

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Read Carefully

. . . Because I would not want you to miss a single one of the announcements I'm going to make. I'm getting so excited for Confessions of a Little Black Gown and Memoirs of a Scandalous Red Dress to come out, that I just have to tell you all the news about the...

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Well, I "Heart" You 2

Last week, Sarita Leone of From the Heart blog surprised me by giving me (well, my blog that is) an award. It's nice to know that not only does someone read my blog, but likes it enough to make such a nice offer of recognition.  I am honored and just plain thrilled. ...

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Reforming Rakes, Redeeming Rogues

In the last year I've had the privilege to meet Maya Rodale. Though we've only met online, she strikes me as a kindred spirit, and I happened to love her first book,  The Heir And The Spare.  Like anyone else who read this engaging story, I've been eagerly awaiting...

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Speed Dating, Scotsmen, Let's Talk Live

So I had an interesting evening the other night. I went to the third annual (at least I think this is the third year) of the Librarian Meet & Greet which is in conjunction with the Emerald City Writer's Conference. Don't ask me how the conference was, as I didn't...

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