News & Newsworthy

The Marlowes

TBT: His Mistress by Morning

Since last week we looked at Tempted by the Night, it only seemed right to take a look back at the book that started that series, His Mistress by Morning. Every book has a different inspiration, that moment when the idea bursts to life in my imagination and I know it...

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TBT: Tempted by the Night

Thought I'd go with my paranormal, haunted, ghoulish, monster/Jane Austen story, Tempted by the Night, for Halloween Eve. So many people have asked why I decided to write historicals with paranormal elements, and I have to admit that I never set out deliberately to do...

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$4.99 Digital Sale!

Have you heard? Thirteen of my digital backlist romance novels are on sale for $4.99! This gives you a chance to pick up an old favorite or fill in a series that you haven't finished yet. Hurry and download yours soon in your favorite format: One Night of Passion...

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London Calling

Every five years or so, I pack my bags and toddle over the North Pole and drop in on London. And this being one of those years, I am about to leave again. I didn't think I was going to go this year—the difficulties of finding a time to leave the family, the...

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Countdown to T-Day

If you've read my blog for any length of time, you might be aware that I adore Thanksgiving. Any holiday dedicated to a week's worth of cooking that is devoured in about 20 minutes makes my heart go pitter-pat with delight. I mean, come on, I have an entire Category...

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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Have you seen this Staples commercial? I've been humming this tune for the last week or so. You see, when the little darlings go back to school, then I get to work. Lately, I've taken to hovering around my office, tapping my foot and anxious to get back at it. But for...

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