News & Newsworthy

Elizabeth’s Favorites

Friday Reads: Read and TBR

This week I finally got the time to sit down and read. My reading time is so precious, and I don't get enough of it. Sadly, I hear this lament from many writers. But no complaints this week, because I scored the perfect book. Bellewether Susanna Kearsley's new book,...

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Summer Reading

There are all kinds of ways to find authors and books, but there are two new ones out there that have me filling up my TBR, and I thought I should share with you. Because, I'm nice that way. And I like enabling other people in their bookish habits. *Cue fiendish...

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Royal Wedding Hop!

**This Contest Is Closed** Thanks for entering. Winner is posted on my FB page. As I promised my newsletter subscribers, I won't leave you out of this fun just because you don't do Facebook—go ahead and enter to win my contest by commenting below: Let me know who you...

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Outlaws, Heroes, and Me

Earlier this week, I was in Cimarron, New Mexico and spent some time at the St. James Hotel, walking in the footsteps of some of the West's most notable figures, including the Earp Brothers, Annie Oakley, Buffalo Bill Cody, Doc Holliday, Bat Masterson, Billy the Kid,...

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Friday Reads: YA Series

This week I've been reading books from two different series. What is it about a good series that keeps you coming back for MORE? I think it is great characters (of course) and sometimes it's just the sheer joy of being in that story world again. And with some series,...

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In my family, we never arrive or leave each other's homes empty handed. If it isn't being used, or you can't use it up, you share it. Sharing is just part of being in my family. Books. Recipes. Food. Magazines. My grandmother was infamous for always having some bit of...

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