Friday Reads: YA Series

Apr 13, 2018 | Elizabeth's Favorites, Good News, TV, Movies, & Good Reads

This week I’ve been reading books from two different series. What is it about a good series that keeps you coming back for MORE? I think it is great characters (of course) and sometimes it’s just the sheer joy of being in that story world again.

And with some series, it is both. Then you know you’ve hit gold.

The books I’ve been reading this week are both YA fantasy series. I always find it funny when adults sort of whisper and confess that they read YA, like there is some line in the sand that once you cross into adulthood you can’t read those stories. Bunk, I say. Read what sings to you. And I love the adventurous fantasy stories that the YA world is publishing.

Never apologize for reading a great story.


So with all the fanfare and trumpets I can muster, I am going to tell you to go out and read these two series. They are fabulous.

Rebel of the Sands

Alwyn Hamilton’s series, Rebel of the Sands, is a glorious and fun take on Arabian Nights with an Old West feel, all wrapped around a gun slinging heroine with a biting humor and a lot of attitude.

Amani, our heroine from a dead end town in the middle of nowhere, ends up joining a revolution and discovering who she really is—and in the process finds friends, family and how to trust herself and her instincts. It isn’t about who everyone thinks you are or where you come from—it is about what you make of your life and the gifts you’ve been given.

You can clearly see why I would love these books.

Start with Rebel of Sands, then read Traitor to the Throne, and finally, finish it off with the new one, Hero at the Fall.

Normally I am always skeptical of the last book for fear it will fall flat—but Hero at the Fall is a wonderful conclusion to the series and I loved every page. Again, if you like adventure and folk tales and great characters, this is the series for you.

What series are you in love with right now? What book has you fidgeting with impatience for it to come out?


  1. Janelle Wilbanks

    I am so excited for Holy Sister — loved Grey Sister so much!

    • Elizabeth

      I just finished it and loved it. Now begins the long wait for the next one. Isn’t that always the case? You devour a great book and then…sigh.



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